Chapter 18

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Knowing that he could not defeat the man in the middle, Ed thought of ways to separate him from the other two . However his worried were swept away .

"To think that the incompetent son of Arthur would be the one to stop our plan . I'm both impressed and disappointed, glory sect seems to have lost worthy people" The man spoke an stood still while the other two moved towards Ed .

'Seems like I don't have to fight all three of them' Ed was relieved . But it was still 2v1 he couldn't relax at all . 'This is the second time I'm fighting a human other than my father'

Ed kept swinging his swords around, to other it seemed like he was trying to hit a ghost but in reality, he was trying to establish his full reach with his Seikūken . He would be relying on it a lot this fight .

As the two were getting closer they each went to one side and pulled out their swords . They did not seem like they were underestimating Ed at all .

His opponents were as strong as him; however, he had more special abilities . Ed knew he should take his time and not rush out at them .

The two suddenly moved at the same time, anyone in Ed's situation would be scared but Ed kept his calm . He had fought stronger opponents before .

After getting close enough they swung their swords at Ed hoping to beat him in no time . They knew they didn't have much time .

However, Ed moved both his hands at the same time and blocked both of their swords . He did not even have to turn around to look at them thanks to his Seikūken . His Two-swords Style also allowed him to be ambidextrous .

The two were shocked and retreated . They switched their formations and were now attacking him from the front and from behind . But to no avail, Ed's sword skills and overall abilities were much higher than theirs . He also sparred a lot with Raikou and so was used to all kinds of fast-paced attacks .

'How can react to both of them at the same time . Not even masters can do that when fighting opponents of the same strength' Ed was occupied with his fight and didn't notice the other man squinting his eyes in shock; you could also see appreciation in his eyes . Although Ed was an enemy now, the man knew Ed was weak and bedridden not too long ago . 'To be able to get this strong . . . Just how much talent is he hiding' A little smile could be seen forming in his mouth .

Ed's opponents were now getting tired . They were attacking a lot at an incredible speed but Ed stopped them at their tracks every time . 'I should end this soon' Ed wanted to defeat his two opponents; he was afraid the other man would change his mind and join the two .

Ed then switched his stance from an open one to a closed one, he kept his swords in front of him rather than at his sides . The two saw this and thought he was getting tired so they attacked him at once . The one behind him was a bit faster and got to him first, he put his sword above his head and attacked with all his might . He wanted Ed to block with both his swords so his friend could attack his freely .

However, Ed activated his Shadow Steps and dodged the sword just as it was about to hit him . This guaranteed for him that his opponent wouldn't escape . His opponent was shocked and turned his head around to look at Ed but all he could see was a sword coming at him . Ed aimed at the man's throat and killed him mercilessly .


Obtained 1000 exp .

Ed wasn't happy about the notification; after all, he had just killed a human for the first time . If it wasn't for the fact that they had targeted his family Ed wouldn't have killed him . They had also seen him transforming into the guard so Ed couldn't let them know too much of his secrets .

The other man looked at his friend falling to the ground and lost his cool, he then rushed at Ed . Ed was able to react easily to him; after all, he was alone now . Ed pointed his swords at the man and stabbed, the man got scared and tried to step back but Ed capitalized on this chance and rushed at him . He swung Murasame and knocked the sword out of his opponent's hand leaving him defenseless . He then swung Murata-tou and slashed, leaving a deep wound on the opponent's body .

Obtained 1000 exp .

Ed heard the notification and relaxed a bit . He needed to focus now on his remaining opponent . The strongest one out of the three .

"I can only offer you my greatest of praise . I had heard you were a failure of a son, but anyone who would look at you now would have to eat those words . " The man started approaching Ed .

"I accept your praise gratefully" Ed started to get tense . The aura the man was letting off was suffocating him . It just showed how much of a difference there was between them .

Suddenly the man in front of him split into two . Ed was surprised but he activated the Sharingan . He looked at the split man and saw no Qi in the two in front of him . He then felt an attack coming from behind him . 'The two were only a decoy!' Ed turned around and blocked with both of his swords .

"Great reaction speed, and those eyes, it seems like they can see through my illusions" A blurry appearance appeared behind Ed and swung his sword at him . Although Ed blocked with both his swords he was sent flying . He checked his HP and saw that this one strike took almost half of it .

'This isn't going to end well for me . . . ' Ed could only smile wryly and get back on his feet .

"Oh, you can still stand up . Then let us have some more fun!" The man said and rushed at Ed .

Ed now was fully focused and used all his skills to defend . As usual, the Sharingan and Seikūken combo proved to be an indispensable duo for Ed . He could now react to the attacks of the man, although just barely .

Suddenly Ed lost his footing and fell down . "Only a Knight establishment and you can hold me off . what a waste it is to kill you" The man was swinging his sword at Ed's head but suddenly swung it to the side . He split a rock that was thrown at him .

Ed used this chance to back away and get back on his feet . But as he looked at who saved him he was shocked . It the young orphan who got hit by his brother .

'Seems like he didn't hold a grudge on our family' Ed was glad he saved him when he had the chance .

"It seems like the heavens do not wish for you to die hahaha" The man was laughing .

"Kid, Thanks for saving me but go back now this place is dangerous!" Ed didn't want for the child to get hurt .

"It's okay he won't get hurt" Another voice sounded near the kid and a silhouette appeared and placed its hand on his head .

It was Griffin, the number one disciple of glory sect .

"I heard there was trouble in the sect and came to help, young master Ed" Griffin smiled and joined Ed against the man .

"Took you long enough" Ed smiled and was relieved .

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