Chapter 106

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At night, Ed was preparing the seagulls he had hunted . Although they were big compared to normal ones, they were still not big enough for all six of them . Ed was going to prepare more than a dozen of them . After eating everything, Ed opened up the dimension and entered . He chose not to open earlier since he wanted to train, and preparing the birds inside would only be a waste of time . He set the gravity to two times the normal and doubled the time . He was going to train inside for about two hours .

His training consisted of basic muscle training and running . He was doing the simple things in order to get used to the gravity . Training the basics was always considered a good thing to do . After the two hours were up, he took a bath and slept . Ed started a schedule of hunting, eating, training, and sleeping . He followed this schedule for almost a month on the fifth floor . The reason behind this was because he wanted to pinpoint the location of the floor boss . As well as increase his level as much as possible .

The encounter with the Kyuubi made him realize the limits of his abilities . Although he had many skills, it didn't matter if his cultivation couldn't keep up . He would have been able to defeat the Kyuubi in the end . But if there was a monster stronger than it, then Ed would be in trouble . He managed to increase his level to 35, making him an Earth Establishment level 5 . However, he only managed to gather five Gacha tickets . Leveling up, in the beginning, was easy . Most monsters had a cultivation higher than Earth Establishment level 5 . But as he progressed, things became difficult .

The amount of exp he got from each monster became less, and now he was stuck .

Name: Edward Avalon .

Level: 35 . (62 . 000/400 . 000) [Earth Establishment level 5] .


HP: 810/810 .

MP: 584/584 .

STR: 400 .

AGL: 353 .

INT: 356 .

DEF: 363 .

STA: 405 .

Skills: Three-sword style, Etiquette, Haggling, Strategy, KI control, Driving .

Abilities: Mangekyo-Sharingan, Spectral Shadow Steps, Wind magic, Fire magic, Space magic, Voice Disguise, Shunpo, Nen, Berserk .

Monsters: Raikou, Suika, Gobuta, Goburou, Garu .

Evaluation: acceptable .

The amount of Exp he needed to level was too much . He finally decided to break out of this floor . He was considered too under-leveled, but not now . He was finally able to max out Spectral Shadow Steps at level 10, giving him 100% movement speed increase . Along with total silence when executing movements . This skill has been with him for the longest, and it was very advanced compared to other rare skills . It had saved him many times before .

Ed didn't spend the last month only training . He made sure to monitor the people that were able to advance to this floor . Thanks to this, he was able to figure out the location of the monster . The last monster was killed four days ago, meaning that Ed needed to wait for three days before it could re-spawn . Ed made his way to the location and set up base there . He wasn't going to let anyone steal the next kill from him .

He spent the next three days in the same way as the last month . He trained, ate, and slept . The only difference between the gravity multiplier . Ed now had more than enough KI to increase it . He set up a 10x multiplier . The first day made him struggle too much . He was too used to 2x gravity, so the sudden change was too much to handle at first . However, Ed wasn't the type to decrease the difficulty . He enhanced himself with KI and Nen . This allowed him to overcome the pressure put on him easily . As time went on, he decreased the enhancement to make him body take the pressure .

Training with gravity was greatly beneficial to him . His KI increased on its own while he was training . His speed, durability, and stamina all increased exponentially as well . Just this month of training alone allowed him to up his abilities once more . As the cooldown time for the boss was about to expire, Ed exited the dimension along with his companions . Luckily, no other person could be seen on his Map . Unless they were an enemy, Ed could identify any person around . If they were an enemy, Ed would just kill them on the spot .

Ed followed the time in his mind . A magic circle appeared as soon as Ed's mind clock hit zero . 'So they really spawn in the same place,' Ed thought to himself . He withdrew Shusui alone and stepped up to the challenge . He was going to try and kill the monster on his own . This was his way to challenge himself . After the monster completely spawned, Ed scanned it . He wasn't surprised with the result as he had expected such a thing to happen .

The monster was an Earth Establishment level 9 . It was also a legendary monster, same as the Kyuubi . The opponent this time, however, was a turtle . The turtle had a very dark green color . Seeing it, a name popped up in Ed's mind 'The Black Warrior' . This was a way to call a black turtle of legend that had an east-Asian origin . The turtle in front of him needed only a serpent as a tail and it would be identical .

It was over five meters tall, and most of its body was hidden by its shell . Ed could tell that breaking that shell would be difficult . Suddenly, it moved its neck and looked towards Ed . It had a face that seemed to be old, and with its slow body movement, one could only see an old man when looking at it . But Ed didn't drop his guard . Such an enemy was always difficult to deal with . As soon as its eyes met with Ed's, it released water from its mouth . The gigantic wave that was produced was even taller than its body .

'Tch, why do I get the Legendary monsters?' Ed complained in his brain, but he was actually glad . Stronger monsters mean more Exp . This thought was driving him to move on . Ed gripped Shusui hard and swung horizontally . He didn't use any magic or enhance himself in any way . His brute strength alone was able to blow away the gigantic wave, making small water drops to fall down .

"Now then, I hope you'll assist me in my experiments" Ed spoke while pointing his sword at the turtle .

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