Chapter 193

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"Our lookouts in port city returned just now . The armies are here and they've already started making their way north . It'll take them about two days to reach us . " Leonard relayed some news inside of a room filled with kings, princes, and generals . One would never think that such a group up was possible, but thanks to war, it did .

"That's fine, we're prepared . Let the soldiers know we'll move out at night and intercept the army before it can make its way to Avalon . " Arthur got up and started discussing things with Leonard . He found out that the armies that came would meet up with the surviving Blood sect members scattered around the continent, and their allies, the Beastmen and Oni . They managed to amass an army of 200 . 000 soldiers by having multiple kingdoms meet up and fight against Blood sect . Still, their enemies outnumbered them 5 to 1 .

"Sir Arthur, is Ed not back yet?" Hayato came up to Arthur and asked him . Next to him, some of Ed's friends waited for an answer .

"I'm sure he'll be back soon, don't worry . " Arthur smiled and reassured them . Ed had his way around disappearing during critical times, but he would appear no matter what .

Alicia and Uther were talking, as she had left Scale kingdom in order to train at Avalon . Both of them heard Arthur and nodded along with his words . They knew just how much they could depend on Ed, and how he didn't disappoint .

Avalon was busy for the last couple of days . The armies of different nations set camp right next to it . Problems happened between different soldiers; either due to old grudges or new ones, but their generals hurried up and put a stop to it . People felt sick in their stomachs and couldn't stop thinking about the worst outcome . If not for their respective kings leading their armies, the morale of the soldiers would be rock bottom .

Avalon's soldiers weren't in a bad position compared to the other armies, same as Scale kingdom's . The last liberation war of Scale remained in their heads, while Avalon's soldiers remembered Ed's gallant figure . His presence could have helped raise the morale a bit more, but there was no use crying over spilled milk .

Inside of Glory sect, ten figures stepped outside of a room and the disciples started cheering . The ten Elders of the sect carried a certain charisma that wouldn't lose to any normal general . After being endowed with Ed's upgraded weapons, they looked even more daunting .

"It's a war, Bard . "

"It certainly is, Audun . "

Bard and Audun chatted with each other while smiling . Their blood boiled inside of their veins and their QI danced in their bodies . After a long absence from the battlefield, they were finally back .

The armies marched outside of Avalon and prepared for departure . The generals made sure to keep the food supply of each army inside a spatial ring they kept with them at all times . Right as the kings emerged out of the castle, a figure appeared in front of them .

"Edward!" Leon, Charlie, and Liza rushed out from the group and surrounded the figure as soon as they managed to recognize it .

"Long time no see, you guys . " Ed smiled as he also recognized them . Charlie didn't change much, as his black hair and eyes shined as brightly as ever . Liza seemed to let her hair grow longer . Her orange hair grew even redder, and her skin was fair and white . Ed had already met Leon before, so his changes weren't unknown to him . Garu and Goburou stood right behind Ed and released an intimidating aura . It seemed like they were concentrating on something .

"We don't have much time, so let us catch up some more once we win this war . " Ed's words came as a surprise to most people present . Many of them were thinking about minimizing the damage or reaching a stalemate with Blood sect . Some simply wanted to die in a blaze of glory . Yet, Ed was confident in winning . If someone asked them now, they would say they felt their morale rise just by his words .

Those that marveled in Ed's confidence started holding their breaths one by one . His companions that did their own thing started gathering as they felt his return . Ed leveled up to Heavenly Establishment level 10, so all of his companions were Immortal level 3 . Most of the kings present were above Immortal Establishment, but they had never seen so many monsters with such a level inside a kingdom .

"Father, Sir Akira, and Sir Uther . I would like to speak with you," said Ed . The three of them looked at each other and nodded . "Hayato, you as well . " Five people walked back inside the castle . Those that remained outside remained puzzled as to what happened, but more pressing matters took priority, so they left .

"Here is fine . " Ed stopped them in the corridor and created a barrier around without notifying them . Yet, they could still feel the change in atmosphere, as all the sounds and odors disappeared .

"I took the liberty of traveling around the continent this past week preparing for some stuff . And I will tell you about it right now . " Ed started speaking while the others listened intently . The more he told them about his plans, the more astonished they became . His plan baffled all of them, and at the end, Hayato couldn't help himself .

"Ed! That's suicidal . " His eyes opened widely and his face and his face looked aghast .

"But that's what we need to win . We're up against an overwhelming amount of enemies . They can control monsters, and they have allies . If we don't come up with a suicidal plan we'll have to kiss our lives goodbye . " All of them knew that Ed told the truth . They felt it themselves and they could see no way out of this war where they come out on top . Now, they had no choice but to rely on Ed's strategy .

"No matter what creature it is, once their head falls off, they die . " Ed left them with these words as he undid the dimension . Although unwilling, the others accepted his plan and were going to follow through with it .

That day, the armies finally departed from Avalon . A gruesome war awaited them .

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