Chapter 150

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Ed never let go of Bella . His right hand was holding Shusui, but his left was glued to her . The old man withdrew his weapon from his spatial ring . A copper colored Labrys appeared in his hand . It was 1 . 5 meters long and could be used by one-hand . As soon as his hands held it, he swung down at Ed and Bella . Ed disappeared from in front of him, only to appear behind him . He slashed with Shusui, but the man was nimble enough to block it with the Labrys . Ed disappeared once again and was now far away from the man .

"Stay here while I finish him," Ed told Bella as they were a safe distance away from the man . He also made special preparations to make sure no one would intrude on their fight or target Bella . The man didn't allow them much talk, however, as he rushed towards in an attempt to catch Ed off guard . Ed remained cool and teleported in front of him, blocking his assault . Ed was able to keep up with the man even though his cultivation surpassed his by many levels . After a while, the man was visibly annoyed by this fact .

"Tch, how are you able to do this?!" Every single swing of his Labrys was either dodged or countered by Ed .

"You don't expect me to tell you, right?" Ed smiled as he provoked him with his hand . 'Not like you're a legendary dragon or anything . ' Ed thought to himself while continuing his fight . As expected, the man was experienced enough to reach a stalemate with Ed . Ed wasn't injured, but the same was also true for the old man .

"Tch!" The man scoffed at Ed and activated something with his Labrys . He jumped to the back and took a stance . He was standing sideways, his left hand to the front while his right hand which held the Labrys in the back . He swung his weapon with great force, sending a bronze colored flying slash towards Ed . Ed managed to dodge, but he kept a close eye on it, as he felt something was wrong with it . His feeling was spot on . Anything that was touched by the slash looked like it rusted and withered away .

The old man kept sending many slashes, some of them actually aiming at Bella . Of course, Ed wasn't stupid enough to let her out of his protection . He used his Space magic and Shunpo to appear in front of those slashes and send them back at the man . The man was also able to dodge his own slashes at the beginning . But he was being overwhelmed since Ed mixed some of his with them . It looked like the man had enough, as he stopped with his stance . He still looked like he activated something again on his Labrys . The color of the slashes mixed with the color of the weapon .

The man switched back to close combat . Ed dodged his attacks since he noticed that they had the same effect as the slashes .

"You can't do anything!" The man boasted while smiling, but his smile was short lived . Ed casually blocked his weapon, and yet his Shusui didn't rust or wither . Ed used his Armament Haki to protect his weapon . Both of them clashed many times, sending shockwaves in the surrounding area . Their surroundings were eerily quiet except for their fighting . The man couldn't even hear the war going on against Blood sect right now .

"Humph, all your attacks are nothing to me! You'll never have something I haven't seen before in a battle!" The man had great faith in his battle experience . Ed heard him and laughed . The man became irritated due to Ed's laugh and backed away again . It looked like he was preparing a powerful attack . His aura rippled in the air around him causing it to shake . His Labrys now had a red-orange color surrounding it . The color intensified as he targeted Ed .

"Since you've seen everything, this will be a normal sight to you," Ed told him as he withdrew Muramasa and Ame-No-Murakumo .

"Three swords? It's a weird thing to use but it's not that surprising . " The man scoffed at him again, mocking his ability .

"Who said that it's three swords?" Hearing Ed's words, the man looked surprised, but he focused on his attack instead . By now, the intense light created from the old man's skill surrounded the whole area . It even reached Bella's standing point .

However, even with all the blinding light, only one spot was dark in color . The area surrounding Ed was not affected in the least by the attack of the man . It was black and air didn't move inside of it . Even though the nearby trees were almost torn due to the intensity of the attack, the area surrounding Ed was calm . Suddenly, a figure emerged behind Ed . It was a Three-faced and Six-armed statue .

"An avatar?!! That can't be! You can't possibly have an avatar when you are only a Heavenly Establishment!" The man was surprised by the sudden appearance of the figure, mistaking it with the avatar ability . This ability was only accessed by those that Achieved Immortal Establishment . It was only achieved when they killed a monster and fused their souls with it . The soul of the monster could then be summoned at any time, allowing the user to have its aid in battle . They could also use others abilities of the monster . And the soul would grow in power, instead of remaining stagnant at the level it was acquired at .

"But even if it's an Avatar, it can't be a strong one!" The man smiled as he released his attack . A crimson colored slash was sent flying towards ed . Everything was destroyed by this slash, as even the air seemed to disappear because of it .

"Kiki (Demonic Spirit)" Ed waved his hands while speaking . "Kyutoryu (Nine-Sword style)" His hands left copies behind as they moved . "Asura!" Ed now took on the look of the figure that appeared behind him . He now had three faces and six hands, allowing him to use Nine swords at once . This wasn't an illusion, but an extension of Ed's spirit, causing this form to materialize . "Tell me . Have you ever seen something like this?" Ed looked as calm as ever even though the attack was right in front of him . The man had a bad feeling in his stomach . He had faith in his ultimate attack, but something didn't sit right with him, so he flew in the sky .

"Oooooh!" Ed used his six blades to counter the attack . All of his blades were coated with Armament Haki . In an instant, the attack that devoured everything seemed as if it was being devoured itself .

"It's futile to try and escape . " Ed looked at the man who was trying to flee after seeing his attack fail . Horror took over him and his facial expressions contorted into an ugly, even uglier than before, appearance .

Ed teleported above him and attacked . "Makyusen(Demon Nine Flash)" Ed approached the man and slashed him with all nine swords . His swords looked were in a wheel shape after he finished his attack . The man took extreme damage and started falling to the ground .

"Ha . Hahaha!" He started laughing maniacally as Ed, who undid his technique, made his way towards Bella . He didn't bother to ask him why, but the man still spoke .

"You wasted so much time on me! I wonder if your family is still alive after one-hour fighting that giant army!" Ed spent an hour fighting the man . It wasn't an easy fight since he was an experienced and strong fighter .

"Who said it's been an hour?" Right as Ed finished speaking, the air around them seemed as if it was crumbling apart . "It's only been six minutes . " When the air crumbled completely, screams could be heard from the nearby battlefield . Ed's previous preparations were these . He is now able to make an opponent enter his pocket dimension without them knowing . He also used a time shift with a ratio of 1:10 in order to save time . This time shift was the maximum he could do, and could only use it for ten minutes of real time . The old man seemed to realize that he was tricked, and despair filled his heart .

"Plus, I already sent the vanguard . No one from my family will die . " Ed appeared in front of the man and decapitated him .

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