Chapter 146

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Ed read the code once more, afraid that he didn't understand it . The Code read 'to leave the floor stand on circle . to go to the second tower, change the code . '

'I didn't mistake it after all,' Ed was now confused . Only one tower existed in this world . All the other four continents didn't have anything resembling the Tower of Origin .

"What's wrong?" Everyone noticed that Ed was thinking deeply about something, so they asked him .

"It says there is another tower," Ed told them exactly what he knew .

"We still have some time, so we can check it out . " Ed had told every new member about the problem with the Blood sect . seeing that a little more than a month remains before the year ends, Ed wanted to check the second tower . The twelfth floor barely gave him any Exp since his level up . Even the Dragon only gave him 3 . 000 . 000 Exp points and two Gacha tickets . If he could level up to Heavenly Establishment level 7 or 8 in this month, it would be perfect for him .

"We're going," Ed told them and approached the circle . He used his KI and Programming skill to change the code of the circle . Now it only read 'Go to the second tower' . The previous white color of the circle changed into a black color, making everyone feel ominous . Everyone stood on top of the circle, teleporting at the same time .

The new place was horrible . Everyone felt the same when they were teleported . The air felt disgusting, and everyone had a bad feeling in their stomach . The surroundings were gloomy and dark, similar to the outside of the mountain on the eleventh floor . Only that the clouds weren't the ones blocking the sun, it was gone altogether . This made the floor almost freezing . Ed and the others weren't bothered since they were all Heavenly Establishment beings .

Suddenly, grey worm-like creatures emerged from under the ground . Hundreds and hundreds of them got out and attacked Ed's group . Ed scanned one of them, and the result didn't bring him any comfort .

Name: Parasite .

Cultivation: ???

'Are they stronger than me?' Ed remained calm and asked the system . He could feel that their QI was not higher than his . They felt that they at most Heavenly Establishment level 7 monsters .

[It doesn't feel that way . This whole place is weird, unlike the other floors . I'll have to scan this entire place, which should take about a month] the system's words gave Ed a fright . If the system needed that long to scan something, then it meant that it was that complex .

[Don't worry, my functions and I will remain . I'll be scanning it while we stay here] . Just as Ed was about to ask the system if he would need to disappear like before, he was reassured . Ed planned to stay for only one month, so the system scanning this place would benefit him in case he ever comes back .

Ed and the others killed the parasites . They were especially weak to Merry's Light magic . As well as Suika's White magic . Ed managed to get two Gacha tickets from all the ones they killed . Before they could take a breath, a frightening aura surrounded the place . Ed and the others could tell that the origin of this aura was a couple of kilometers away, yet they could feel it . They didn't know what the origin was, but one thing was clear . It could kill all of them . Ed could feel it approaching at an insane speed . He didn't even have the chance to create a pocket dimension .

Ed recalled everyone and activated Zero Sign . Raikou managed to enter his shadow at the right moment, making Ed sprint away at top speed . His sprint turned into a run, which then turned into him flying the hell away . A second later, a gigantic flying creature emerged and breathed fire unto the ground . Nothing was spared as everything turned into ashes . The creature was similar to a Pterodactyl . It had a triangular pointy head, with its lower 'beak' split into two, and skin-like wings . Ed couldn't identify if it's a dragon or dinosaur or a bird . He didn't have the time, as the flames almost caught up to him .

Ed didn't feel relieved until he was hundreds of kilometers away . His Zero Sign's time limit hit early, but he used In to completely hide his aura . The creature from before reacted to his and his companions' aura when they were fighting the parasites . Ed withdrew a potion and drank it, allowing him to recover his Ki . Ed opened a pocket dimension and entered it . He summoned everyone and explained to them what he saw .

"We need to be very careful . " Ed didn't want to leave the floor as he just got here . The monsters are also very high leveled, so he would be able to get a lot of exp points . He and the others left the dimension and started hunting some monsters . Ed kept the dimension open as long as he could, so they could escape if needed . One whole month passed by, and Ed only managed to level up to Heavenly Establishment level 6 . Most of the monsters here were much stronger than them all . However, many of them were weaker, like the parasites, which Ed killed a lot . In fact, it wouldn't be surprising if he caused them to go extinct .

He met a lot of monsters and they were all grotesque . He didn't dare look for the floor boss, as he would only be courting death . He also didn't manage to get any more Gacha tickets, which was a bummer . Ed was now waiting for the system to finish his scan, so he would be able to leave the tower .

[I have some good news and some bad, very bad news] Ed felt a twinge in his heart when he heard the system . If he said very bad news, then Ed wouldn't like to hear it .

[The good news is, I managed to perfectly scan this tower . I can only tell you that it is not connected to the realm we came from . I'll tell you more when you're stronger . The bad news is, this damn tower has a time ratio shift, and it's more than yours . The time ratio here is 1:10]

Coldness roamed around Ed's body as he digested the system's words . 'This damn tower!' Ed knew it wasn't the tower's fault, it was his own . He explained to his comrades and teleported towards a sigil he left near the circle that brought him here . 'I hope everyone is okay!' Ed could only hope for the best . Ed spent about 11 months in the twelve floors . He thought that the month he spent here would complete the promised year, instead, he was 270 days late .

The teleportation light receded and Ed found himself at the entry of the tower of the first time he showed up here, almost two years ago . Everyone near the entry was suddenly blown away, as Ed flew into the sky with extreme speed, heading towards Avalon kingdom .

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