Chapter 67

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Ed headed outside . It was time for him to reclaim his items and money . He showed the receptionist his ID for confirmation .

"The items you have generated 515 . 000, while the items you bought totaled 39 . 000 . We give an 8% discount so that comes up to 35 . 880 . This means you made 479 . 120 . In addition with the auction fees it comes to 469 . 120, we'll round it up to you for 470 . 000 since we hope you'll remain our faithful customer . " The receptionist was quite quick with his math . 'They charged 10 . 000 as fees; quite cheap . ' Ed was satisfied with his earnings and was about to leave .

"May we have a moment with you, Sir?" Ed was approached by the two men who had bought the most expensive items . He guessed what they wanted, so he was prepared .

"Of course . " He turned around and faced both of them .

"We know that you are the one who made those high-grade potions . Or at least, you know who made them . " One of the men brought up the main cause for stopping Ed, which was just what he guessed . "We want to know if it would be possible to make a contract with you . We hope to acquire a stable amount of those potions . "

"I would love to, but unfortunately, it takes a long time to gather the materials and concoct the potions . I would barely be able to make the next batch by the time the auction reopens . " Ed lied to the two of them . He wanted to get strong, not to become a contracted worker for the rest of his life .

"It seems that you are unwilling . " It seemed like both of them saw through Ed's lies . "Well, we can't force you . We look forward to the items you'll bring out next time . " After saying this, both of them left the auction . Ed had some cold sweat going down his back . Both of them released a little killing intent when they noticed his lies . Most people didn't even notice it, but Ed's training with KI and Nen made him extra sensitive to hostility . 'I'll need to be careful with such people' . Both of them were exceptionally strong, which just shows how they could generate so much money .

Ed left the auction and headed to the room he booked in the inn . He notified the keeper that he didn't need the room any longer and left . It was getting close to sunset so he had to hurry back to the academy . He undid his disguise outside of the capital and hurried back to the castle . The guards were already familiar with him, so they didn't bother to check his identity every time .

He headed to his room and started preparing the cockatrice . It was better to do it while it was still fresh . The cockatrice was basically just an oversize yellow chicken with a lizard's tail . Ed drained the blood and started butchering the monster . It didn't take him too long, as he had some experience with some other monsters . Ed finished in half an hour and stored the meat in his Inventory . He was excited as he was thinking of as much dishes he could make as possible .

"Maybe I should treat my friends . What do you think Suika?" Ed was thinking about enjoying the meal with his new friends in this academy . He did enjoy their company after all .

"Suu ~~" Suika, who was accompanying Ed, sounded her agreement . Both of them headed to the training room . It was time for their usual training . Raikou followed after them as well .

"I want you guys to try and use the advanced techniques . After that, do the Ren training once more . " Ed summoned his monsters and got them to train . He had to try some of his skills which he neglected . Mainly, his Shunpo .

'Let's try it on its own first . ' Ed tried to use it at first and kept slipping and falling . He had never used this technique before, or anything similar to it, so he found it quite difficult to adjust to it . On the sidelines, Suika and some of the monsters kept giggling every time Ed fell down . This caused Ed to go red from the embarrassment .

Even though Ed was training, he didn't forget to rotate between his monsters . He can't summon all of them now, so he needed to create equal chances for everyone . About an hour into the training, Ed finally succeeded in using Shunpo . He was able to cover a great distance just from this first step . After trying it a couple more times, Ed was getting better and better at an incredible speed . Shunpo is a movement skill that used the least amount of steps to get from point A to point B . Ed was getting so good at it, that his monsters couldn't follow his movements anymore . However, it quickly drained him . It was a physical skill, so Ed would handle it better as he gets stronger .

After two hours of training, Ed could use Shunpo to run around the training room . You couldn't see him until he reaches the room's corners where he had to change speed . 'Let's try something a little crazy' Ed stopped and asked everyone to move out of the way . He activated his Ken and focused his aura on his legs with Ryu . He took a stance for running and used Spectral Shadow Steps along with Shunpo . Ed's speed was more than impressive in less than 1 second, he was near the end of the training room . However, he wasn't used to this accumulation of speed techniques, and couldn't stop .

Ed went face first into the wall, and a huge crashing sound reverberated throughout his room . Suika and the rest were worried about him, so they all ran to see how he was doing . Ed only had a nosebleed due to the crash . This was thanks to his clever use of Ken and Ryu, allowing his aura to instantly increase to surround his body, protecting him from fatal injuries .

Ed decided to train this technique somewhere more open instead of this small room . He trained his Ren with his companions for a while before heading out to eat . All of them took a bath as usual and slept . In the morning, Ed was going to ask about the details of the tournament that was taking place this week .

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