Chapter 157

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Raikou was the one who managed to find Arthur . He was coming with a small group of people, but they were under attack from Blood sect members . Raikou quickly told Ed, who then flew to the direction he was told .

"Edward!" Arthur managed to notice his son even while fighting an enemy . Ed waved at him and smiled while summoning his companions . Arthur was actually in a bind since his opponent was also at Immortal Establishment, a level higher . Arthur had some people helping him . But, they were all fighting people with a cultivation higher than theirs . Ed's help was much appreciated .

Ed was surprised to see who accompanied Ed . Inside a carriage was the king of Scale kingdom and his family, who looked very injured . But outside of the carriage was the true surprise . Hayato and Ellie were fighting while protecting the carriage, along with a middle-aged man who Ed never saw before . Ed's companions managed to lessen the burden on Arthur and he managed to turn the tables on his opponent . Ed also killed close to ten Heavenly Establishment cultivators, helping reduce the numbers of the strong ones . Soon enough, Hayato and Ellie managed to kill their opponents . As well as many other Heavenly Establishment cultivators . The ones attacking Arthur's group were small in number . But they had a high number of Heavenly Establishment cultivators . But, they didn't have monsters like the ones that attacked Avalon .

"We'll talk later, stay still for a while . " Noticing that everyone wanted to ask him something, Ed stopped them . They killed their pursuers but knew if some others laid in ambush . Ed caught the carriage first and teleported it to the kingdom . Then he quickly did the same for the others . In less than a minute, he managed to teleport everyone to the courtyard of the castle . Elizabeth and the others were glad to see Arthur back safe . Their reunion lasted for a while before Ed summoned Suika and Merry . He asked them to heal those inside the carriage . He only asked for a light healing until they stabilize, then they could fully heal them .

Ed was in deep thinking, but it was cut short as he felt a punch coming towards him . He managed to stop it, realizing in the process who attacked him .

"Where have you been you, idiot?!" Ellie asked him in a hurry . Hayato behind her looked at him in the same questioning way .

"It's complicated ha ha ha" Ed answered while scratching his face awkwardly .

"What do you mean complicated?!" Ellie sent another punch which was stopped by Ed . He looked at her and realized some tears were filling her eyes .

"Are you crying?" Ed couldn't help but ask . He was touched that his friends were worried about his well being .

"Like I would! Hmph!" She snorted and crossed her hands .

"I'll explain everything in due time . I need to find out about something . "

Before Ed could ask, Hayato spoke . "It's about Emilia right? We're saving her of course, isn't that right?" A smile appeared on both Ed and Hayato's faces . "Of course!" Ed answered him . Their friend was in danger, so of course, they would save her .

"By the way, what are you guys doing here?" Ed remembered and asked them .

"Our Great-grandfather is a comrade of the king . He sent me and father to help Sir Arthur save him . " Hayato explained while pointing at the man who Ed didn't meet before . It turns out that he is Hayato's father .

"My father disowned me so I'm now roaming around," Ellie spoke with a smile on her face . Now the usual reaction of someone disowned .

"If you don't mind me asking, why?" Ed found it weird .

"I'm a noble's daughter, yet I opposed the king's decision of joining forces with Blood sect . he had no choice . He did it to protect me . " She explained the situation . Only now did Ed find out that she wasn't a princess, but only a noble's daughter .

They didn't discuss things anymore and instead went inside . Arthur used his time to catch up with Ed . But never once did he ask for the reason of his absence . After a while, he let Arthur know that he was going to Aragon kingdom . Which Arthur seemed reluctant to accept, but still allowed him . He also explained that the Ice Empress had passed away . Ed didn't know who she is at first but got to know, thanks to Hayato, that she's Emilia's mother .

The fall of Aragon kingdom was due to the death of the Ice Empress . Although she only had a cultivation of Immortal Establishment level 2, she was considered to be very potent in battle . Her mastery over ice earned her the title Ice Empress . Ed frowned after hearing that she was killed . He couldn't imagine how Emilia felt at the time .

Leonard surprised Arthur by sneaking up on him and catching him in a hold . Arthur was glad to see that he got his arms back, and realized it was thanks to Suika . He thanked her a lot and asked Ed to allow her to help the king, as he lost his entire arm from the shoulder .

'What is wrong with Blood sect and severing arms?' Ed couldn't help but think this way while giving Suika the permission . Merry also joined to help her in the treatment of the injured . Alicia came out of the carriage, barely walking, and thanked Ed and his family directly . Tears never left her eyes, as she and her family barely escaped death .

Ed and Arthur stopped her and allowed her to rest after being treated .

"Merry, I'd like for you to train her as she uses Light magic like you," Ed asked Merry to train Alicia . This was the only thing he could do to her, as he knew how hard it was not to be able to protect someone precious to you .

"Of course!" Merry agreed as it was also a new experience for her to train someone .

"So Ed, when will we leave?" Hayato asked him about the date where they would save Emilia .

"Soon, but first . It's time for an equipment power-up!" Ed withdrew a hammer he used for crafting and spun it in his hand .

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