Chapter 188

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Arthur continued to power-up until his QI overpowered anything in its vicinity . Especially now, since all other major fights were over . Edgar started doing the same thing . Both of them were planning to finish the fight at the next exchange .

Their QI formed a gigantic sphere around them, and soon the two spheres collided . Those that weren't strong enough didn't know the significance of such a thing . As soon as they collided, the fight had already started . It was now a fight of who has the more refined QI . To the untrained person, it looked like both of them were equal . But in reality, one of them had a clear advantage .

The two QI spheres turned into a solid-like state, and a wall formed at their intersection . Lightning sparks resulted due to this . Everyone watching the fight felt something tug at their hearts . In the next instant, the two fighters withdrew their QI into their bodies . Another instant passed and they flew towards each other at their greatest speed .

"Blood sect will be the VICTOR!" Edgar screamed as he slashed towards Arthur . "..." Arthur didn't answer him but only slashed as well .

Like their QI before, their weapons collided this time . A huge shockwave resulted and spread all around the castle grounds . Walls crumbled and decoration trees were pulled away from the ground . The shockwave decimated anything in its wave . It even managed to kill some low leveled soldiers . Only those that have a cultivation level of at least Heavenly remained unscathed .

The two weapons clashed even more against each other . Edgar pushed with his entire strength but didn't seem like he was going to overpower Arthur . He was biting his teeth so hard that his molars cracked . His eyes bled due to the pressure on them .

"How?! How are you able to be so strong when you lived your life in peace?!" Unable to accept what he was experiencing, Edgar questioned Arthur .

Although Arthur was holding himself against Edgar, he wasn't taking it easy . Edgar is a strong opponent that Arthur couldn't take it easy on him . Both of them injured each so many times during their clashes . Even now, Arthur's arm muscles tightened hard, and his veins spurted out blood due to his strong grip .

"You ask me why? You should ask yourself how we were able to best Blood sect a hundred years ago . It's because we are simply better, stronger, and we fight for others not just for ourselves . " Arthur spoke as the faces of his wife and his children passed through his mind . The last to flash in his mind was Ed . How he was always bed-ridden . How he surprised him with his strength when they first sparred against each other . His growth as a person after he experienced loss for the first time . And finally, how he taught Arthur Nen to be able to protect himself and his family .

Arthur released the entirety of his Nen aura in the form of Ren . He didn't bother to use Ken after it as he wanted to enhance his all body without paying any attention to defense . Arthur's Nen had a golden color like Ed's . After releasing all of it, he appeared as a bright shining star in the night sky .

Edgar noticed that he was being overwhelmed at a frightening rate . His sword was about to give in and break, while his whole was screaming in pain . His face contorted into a frightened look as fear took over him .

"Wait!-" As Edgar was about to plead for his life, Arthur released the entirety of his strength into one final sword swing .

A sword was broken, a body was cut in half vertically, and a sky shone as if to celebrate the winner . A tearful Edgar plummeted to the ground in two halves, while a tired Arthur flew down to his group .

"Good work, father . " Ed, who had joined the others at some point, welcomed his father back .

"Our work still isn't over, Edward . It's time to truly take back Scale kingdom . " Arthur spoke to everyone present, and they understood what he meant .

The people of the capital had been watching everything . Those that supported Blood sect knew what was coming and despaired . Those that opposed Blood secretly cheered in their hearts . They were still afraid, so they couldn't celebrate openly . But, the next words spoken by Arthur would bring them relief . As well as give them the hope that they had been holding on to .

"Scale kingdom's citizens . The rightful king, Uther Scale Pendragon, has returned!" Once everyone felt that they had been truly saved, they let out a unified cheer . The other cities that had no idea what happened in the capital still felt something and looked in its direction .

Ed and the others continued to hunt the remaining members of Blood sect . The general's group, along with Leonard and Edmund were looking for the traitorous nobles . The noisy capital quieted down, and soon the sun peeked at them from the east .

Ed was silently watching over it . Some memories flooded to his brain, and some tears accompanied them . It was truly difficult to forget a loved one . However, he wasn't alone . Someone tugged him from behind, which turned out to be Emilia .

"Good job out there . " She smiled at him as if to soothe his heart . Behind her, Griffin, Eric, Ellie, Alicia, and Oliver were waiting for him . His companions had never left his side and looked at him from below .

"Good job to you too," said Ed . All of them regrouped with others .

Uther had to make a speech to the masses . The army was quickly taken back and was tasked with the liberation of the other cities . The heads of the traitorous noble houses were to be executed . Their families were spared but they were demoted by one rank of nobility . It was truly a carrot and a stick .

Ed teleported back to Avalon to let the others know that they were successful . Uther's wife broke down in tears of relief, but he let her know that she was needed back in her kingdom .

Everyone was happy about the situation, so Ed felt bad . But, he had to do something important . He had to let them know that an invasion will be coming .

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