Chapter 122

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At one part of the desert, a gigantic worm laid on the sand . Ed finished it off much quicker than he thought . Especially since it was only Earth Establishment level 10 . The worm had some interesting attack . It would burrow into the sand and cause some small-scale earthquakes . Ed thought that it used this technique both as a distraction and as a way to pinpoint the location of its prey . Unluckily for the worm, its opponents were too good at pinpointing positions themselves . Ed waited for it to resurface and fed an especially big fireball . As expected, Ed didn't feel like trying worm meat, so he left the body behind and went on his way .

Ed thought about storing and selling it, but he felt it would be too troublesome . The worm was over 100 meters in size .

"Now then, what do we have here?" Ed finally had the chance to check the notification . Much to his surprise, the last killing spree gave him the three Gacha tickets he wanted . As usual, once he gathered ten tickets, he would draw some cards . But, he decided to leave it to a later time, since he wanted to focus on hunting for now . Ed got a decent amount of Exp, but it wasn't close to filling up half of his needed Exp . He needed to kill Heavenly Establishment monsters to make a big difference .

Further inside the desert, Ed found another cluster of monsters . The monsters this time were also familiar . Purple-colored scorpions filled the place, but one of them stood out the most . In the middle of the colony of scorpions, only one was fully crimson red . 'That should be the boss . ' Ed was glad to see that it was a Heavenly Establishment level 3 . Some of the other scorpions were Heavenly Establishment level 1 . The rest were Earth Establishment level 9-10 . Ed could barely hold himself at the thought of the amount of Exp he would acquire . n

"Let's go!" Ed and Sieg led the team towards the hive . Raikou disappeared into his own shadow this time . Next, he appeared under a palm tree's shadow near the scorpions . 'He's been showing many new skills lately . ' Ed thought to himself . The opponents this time weren't as simple as the camels . Their exoskeletons were tough enough that Gobuta and the others needed to use Nen to injure them . Raikou didn't suffer from such a problem, as he created an electric field that was strong enough to fry them inside and out .

Suika didn't suffer much as well . She used her poison on a large scale and made it like a corrosive acid . Any scorpion that was touched by it had its tough exoskeleton melt like a piece of chocolate on a hot day . With hundreds of scorpions this time, Ed and the rest simply started to bulldoze their way . Any scorpion that wasn't killed would at least be heavely injured making the one behind's duty to finish it off .

The red scorpion was unlike the ant queen from the last floor . Although it was hundreds of meters away, it turned back as soon as it noticed its kin being killed . The scorpions were all big, reaching a length of over two meters with their tail height being almost four meters . Yet the red one put them all to shame . Its body length was more than five meters, while its head height alone was three meters .

"Sieg, Raikou . You guys handle the Heavenly Establishment ones; I'll take care of that one . " Noticing the boss coming their way, Ed gave some orders and went to intercept it . The two of them followed Ed's order without a word, and he teleported in front of the rampaging scorpion . The red scorpion looked at Ed and hissed at him . Ed thought it would be able to speak, but his guess was wrong . 'Maybe it doesn't have vocal cords?' Ed thought to himself .

Both the scorpion and Ed started fighting . Ed was using Ame-No-Murakumo this time due to its wind attribute . The scorpion used its tail like a whip, hitting in an unpredictable way . Unpredictable to most people anyway . Ed used his Ryūsui Seikūken skill which had leveled up to level two . Ed knew that three levels existed in this skill . The first one allowed a person to read their opponent's flow . This gave the ability to successfully dodge most attacks, but it required the need to read their breath .

However, the second level was much better . The second level allowed Ed to combine his movement with the scorpion's . His movements reached a spectacular level of fluidity . Ed himself could feel his Observation Haki getting better as he used this move . His eyes seemed to be unfocused, while in reality, he couldn't be anymore . An aura that was like the calm sea surrounded his body . No matter how many times the scorpion attacked, it couldn't hit Ed . It was even using its pincers along with its tail .

After a while, the red scorpion had a body full of cracks due to Ed's concentrated attacks . Ed also got hit a couple of times due to misreading his opponent . The scorpion seemed mad and was about to release some type of magic . Flames started dancing around its body, and a giant firewall surrounded it . It looked like it was using a skill similar to the Kyuubi's . Ed gripped the Katana in his hand and wind started to form around it . Both of them charged their attacks and released them .

However, the wall of flames never moved from its position . Ed was the one who got the first strike, and it was enough to finish the match . He used an over glorified version of the Wind Blade, which was enough to cut the weakened scorpion in half . Ed turned back and saw that his friends were about finished with the remaining scorpions as well . He didn't store any of them as they were too damaged . He simply walked away while checking his notifications . He actually leveled up by killing the hive of scorpions . He even got some Gacha tickets .

Ed didn't find any suitable monsters to hunt, so he decided to call it a day . He opened the Gacha interface while inside his dimension and decided on what to draw .

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