Chapter 178

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Arthur's office was cramped . The ten Elders of the sect, Uther, Ed, Eric, Griffin, and Elizabeth . All of them were there as Uther's wound had more or less healed, which meant that they needed to discuss their next move .

"Scale kingdom's nobles were divided into two groups . Those that supported me as the king, and those that secretly supported Blood sect . I managed to hold on for almost a year, but I never thought that they would infiltrate so deep inside the castle . The one who attacked us was an Immortal Establishment level 4, along with his subordinates . Unfortunately, I couldn't defeat him . You really can't fight age after all . " A wry smile appeared on Uther's face as he spoke those last words . Ed had inspected him and found out that his cultivation was Immortal Establishment level 6 . Lower than he thought, but still considered to be quite powerful .

Ed understood that cultivation didn't really decide the outcome of the fight . He could kill beings of higher cultivation, but it didn't mean that others couldn't do the same . The one who attacked Uther should have the ability to fight at higher levels as well . This pushed everyone present to think deeply about their next move . However, Ed had something to ask first .

"Is the man that attacked you the same one at that time?" Some people present had a hard time to think about what 'that time' meant, but Uther had no issues . He knew that Ed was pursuing revenge for the crimes Blood sect committed that day towards him .

"No . It's not the same man . " Ed frowned upon hearing the words of Uther . The fact that Blood sect could command so many Immortal Establishment cultivators showed how much strength they had .

"I guess there is no other choice but for me to fight that man," Arthur spoke after being silent for all this time . Arthur managed to cultivate up to Immortal Establishment level 4 during Ed's two years of absence . Thanks to Nen, he should have no problem fighting opponents at higher levels . The only problem that remained is the issue of infiltrating the kingdom . Ed had an idea, but he wanted to ask some more questions .

"What happened to Harry, the teachers, and the general?" Uther only managed to escape with his wife and daughter . Ed had to think about the fate of such people who should have been with the king .

"They all fought to allow me to escape . I believe they're still alive, as Blood sect would try to recruit them one way or another . "

"Where do you think they'll be held?" Ed needed all sorts of information before polishing his plan .

"In the academy grounds . Blood sect took over it and is using it to control nobles from other kingdoms . " It was Arthur who answered Ed's question . Apparently, he planted spies in Scale kingdom before returning with Uther .

"I see . Then I guess it's time for me to finish my studies . " Ed smiled while speaking . Of course, Ed couldn't just walk into the academy . There was 99% chance he would be discovered . But that didn't mean that his hands were tied . Among his monsters, one of them looked the closest to the age of students . It was Goburou .

Although he was a vampire, he looked almost the same as a normal human . They could use makeup to hide his pale skin, or even chalk it up to a sickness . Ed's plan revolved around Goburou infiltrating the academy and locating the teachers and the general . Once that happens, he has to free them . Ed will then teleport everyone into the castle . Goburou can hide his QI, so he wouldn't be found out as an Immortal Establishment . The plan was a little clumsy, but it would be sufficient .

The only problem that remained was how to let Goburou infiltrate the academy . Ed couldn't use Zero Sign for a long time . And, his dimension ability wouldn't allow him to locate the people he needed to save . He had to rely on Goburou .

"The academy will have an entrance exam next week . But, we have to send him as an heir to a kingdom allied with Blood sect . " Arthur explained some more . Ed felt that it was truly convenient to have the exam happen in one week . As for the issue of an allied kingdom, they only needed to intercept one of the carriages that are transporting such a person .

They continued to discuss some things about the powers and abilities of those that attacked Scale kingdom . After Ed heard enough, he left as he had some things to prepare for .

"Only me and Garu hunted the posts of Blood sect lately, but that is about to change . All of us will do so for the next week . We'll target the posts that are close to Scale kingdom . I'll fly around today marking the posts that will be attacked . Don't forget to take their spatial rings . " Ed was talking to his companions as he had summoned them all . He spoke to Goburou about his role in saving Scale kingdom . Of course, the latter had no issues except using makeup . Ed respected his wishes and allowed him to go however he wanted .

"Wait!" Before Ed left the room where he was speaking to his companions, a palm appeared in front of his face .

"Eavesdropping is not a good thing . " Ed could tell that he was being eavesdropped on, but he didn't mind as he knew who it was .

"We didn't eavesdrop; we made sure to close our ears," Ellie said while looking to the side . Behind her, Emilia and Alicia were both there .

"I see . So you have no idea about the plan?"

"Yes . We don't know that you're attacking Blood sect posts!" Ed, Emilia, and Alicia immediately facepalmed . They knew that Ellie was innocent, but not to this degree .

"Forget what I just said . " Ellie realized she had messed up so she tried to wave it off as nothing happened . "Anyway, we knew you've been doing it for a while now . You can't hide the smell of blood on you . " She said as she looked at Ed in the eyes . Ed had washed himself every day after a massacre, but Ellie could still pick up on the faint smell of blood .

"Let me guess . You want to help?" All three of the girls nodded furiously as Ed finished speaking . Ed sighed once more . He wanted to do the dirty work himself, but he knew that it would be better if they got used to fighting anyway .

"All right . " Ed assigned Emilia with Raikou, Alicia with Merry, and Ellie with Gobuta . The others were independent . It was time for another wave of killing .

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