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Gay Bish🏳‍🌈💎

Ayyy...so I'm sick

Ooh! Same! Sick buddies

You guys are dumb, I hope you know that

Hey! I'm not sick! I used the brain that I have

You're right, good job

Yay!!! Get your butt over here

Lmao sorry, I'm with Hyunjin

You're making me take the bus!?!

Suck it up, buttercup

Lmao, have fun Jisung. Imma take a nap

But...but you just woke up?
Read 6:45 am

You guys are meanies
Read 6:45 am



Jisung sat at the morning table with a pout on his face. Seungmin was with the baseball teams table with Hyunjin. Jisung exhales and stood up, grabbing his bag and leaving the cafeteria. He walked to his locker and opened it, grabbing the notebook inside.

He walked inside the music room and sat down at the piano. He's been out of writing music for a while. He places his hands on the piano keys but takes them off.

He stopped because it reminded him of someone that he lost. He clenched his eyes shut and placed his hands on the piano keys and pressed down, a light tune being produced. He cleared his mind and let his fingers play the piano.

His thoughts were cut off when the first bell rang, telling all the students to get to their classrooms. He pulled his hands away from the computer and wiped the tears that he didn't notice that fell. He put the notebook in his bag and pulled his phone out.

Great. He thought with a sigh. His eyes were red, evidence that he was crying. He sniffled and put his phone in his back pocket before leaving the room.

He walked into class and sat down pulling his hood over his head.


Jisung stopped in his tracks and looks at the teacher. "Is everything okay?" Jisung pulls out a smile and nods his head. "Yeah, everything's fine," the teacher frowns. "Stay after class," Jisung sighs and nods his head.

He goes back to his desk and lays his head down after plugging in his headphones.

Class ended and everyone left, besides Jisung.

The teacher stood up and pulled a chair up in front of Jisung's desk. "What's going on? You can talk to me," Jisung looks at the teacher. "I-I went into the music room this morning," Jisung says. "It was a bad idea," The teacher frowns and stands up.

Jisung looks up at him. "Stand up," he says. Jisung follows and stands up. The teacher opened his arms and Jisung moved into them, hugging back. "We're all here for you Jisung," He says. "We understand that losing him was hard, but don't keep your feelings bottled up."

Jisung nods his head against the teacher's chest. "I don't have the next period, do you want to stay in here while I grade papers?" he asks. "I would like that," Jisung replies. "Thank you, Mr. Kang,"

The teacher chuckles and looks at Jisung. "I'm your cousin, Jiji," Mr. Kang says. "I know," Mr. Kang chuckles and goes to his desk. "Hyung, how is it going with Jae hyung?" Jisung asks as he pulls a chair up in front of Mr. Kang's desk. "It's going great," He replies.

Jisung hums and he takes his notebook out. "That's a nice ring," Jisung says. "Mhm? Oh! Thanks, Jae got it for me," Jisung hums and tilts his head. "Wait...is that an engagement ring?" Mr. Kang stops working and looks at Jisung. "Yeah," He says, extending the word. Jisung stares at him, blinking, before smiling brightly.

"Kang YoungK you got engaged and didn't tell me!"

Youngk laughs at his younger cousin. "I've had the ring for over a month, I'm surprised nobody has even noticed it," Jisung squeals and claps his hands. "I'll bring cupcakes tomorrow morning for everyone if that's okay," Jisung says, shrinking in his seat causing the Adult to laugh. "I think everyone will like that,"

Jisung smiles and opens his notebook, writing down the ingredients he needs. "Is there anything you want on top?" Jisung tilts his head as he looks at his cousin. "You can do whatever you want to them," Youngk says, ruffling Jisung's hair. "Okay!"

4th period ended and Jisung put his notebook away. "Thanks for letting me stay in here for 4th period," Jisung says hugging Youngk. "It's fine," Youngk says ruffling his hair. "Bye!" Jisung waves and leaves the classroom.

Someone ran up next to him and he looked over and smiles. "Hi Minho hyung," Jisung says. "Hey...where were you in 4th period?" Minho asks. "What? We have 4th period together?" Jisung says. "Yeah, Mrs. Kim, the class Changbin and Felix get in trouble a lot," Jisung raises a brow. "In their defense, they don't do anything, that teacher just hates them,"

Minho shrugs his shoulders. "Fair enough, but where were you in 4th?" He asks. "Oh, I stayed in Mr. Kang's room to finish something," Jisung lies. "Oh okay," Minho says. "So...I saw that Felix wasn't here," Minho says. "Yeah, he's sick along with Jeongin,"

Minho raises a brow. "They played in the rain, we were hanging out yesterday," Jisung explains. "Oh...nice, well do you want to eat lunch at my table?" Jisung shrugs his shoulders. "Why not, Seungmin's probably sitting with Hyunjin," Minho smiles.

"Hey, Jisung,"

the male turns his head and tilts his head at Minho. "Try outs are today, wanna watch?" Jisung shakes his head. "Thanks for the offer, but I have to get groceries," Minho frowns but nods his head. "And I thought the soccer team was already made?" Minho shakes his head and Jisung closes his locker. "It was what we had last year,"

Jisung hums and pulls his keys out. "Well, see you tomorrow," Minho nods his head and watches Jisung run to his car.

2:12 pm when finished.

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