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Minho quickly walks over to Jisung who smiles at him. "Hey," Minho hugs the male wanting to have his scent with him. "Don't be worried about the districts today," Jisung says rubbing his boyfriends back.

Minho looks at him.

"If you guys win, one; I'll give you a kiss." That caused Minho to smile and a littlw weight taken off his shoulders.

"Two; we can run by the bakery and get a couple of things for us." Minho smiles bigger and hoped to every god out there for what Jisung was going to say next.

"And we'll go to my house and do a disney marathon."

Minho hugs Jisung tightly while nodding his head excitedly. "Yes, yes, yes," Minho says kissing Jisung'a forhead, nose, and cheek.

Jisung giggles and kisses Minho's cheek as well. "Than win this game you big dummy." Jisung nuzzles his nose against Minho's who giggles. "Okay! See you after school."

Oh, did i forget ti mention it was only 4th period the same day as Minho's dance proposel? No? Welp there you go.

Jisung chuckles and watches his boyfriend happily walk to his class. Jisung fixes his bag and walks to class as well.

Half way through class, someone sat next to Jisung in Felix's spot since the boy was oddly not there.

He looked over and sighs. "Yes, Subin?" Jisung asks. "What's up with you and Minho?" He asks.

Thinking, and knowing, enough his enough, Jisung calmly lays his pencil down and clears his throat turning to face the confused male.

"Lee Minho and Han Jisunf are dating. Ger it through your cranium that I am and always have been taken by Lee Minho. Who was the starting goalie before you came and showed your perfect little soccer ass at our school putting Minho not being able to even play."

Everyone snickered as the looked at Subin. "Well you guys don't kiss-"

"Yo! Get out of my desk you Ronadol wanna be before I physically kick your ass for talking to a man who is already taken and has already told you."


"But I don't care about your, 'you don't kiss at school so who's supposed to know,' kinda ass excuse. Get. you. ass. off. my. chair before I smack you with my binder."

Everyone cheers at the blonde male's words who was standing their weight on one leg with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You can't-"

"Yes I can because you're in my property. Get. I will get my binder out if you don't move."

The two glare at each other before Jisung smirks.

"Imma go talk to the-"

Subin quicklt gets up and walks back over to his desk.

Felix, who was talking to Subin, sat in his spot and fixes his shirt. "Where were you?" Jisung asks. "Doctors." Felix states as he takes his pencil and paper out.

"Lee Fe-"

"Fuck you! Nobody likes you!"

Everyone cheers at Felix's words who smirks at the sub. "You can't give us all detention," Changbin says, who was seated beside Felix on the other side of the aisle.

The sub huffed and went back to her own work.


Jisung clenched his fist at Subin, who was purposely doing bad.

Jisung whispered to everyone around him who did the same.

"Yo! Coach! Change Subin out for Minho!"

Everyone cheers causing the game to quickly stop and have Minho change out for Subin.

"Yeah! Let's go MinMin!" Jisung shouts clapping his hand with a smile at the older who was smiling as well.

Half time came around with JYP cutting it close with the other team up by 5 points.

Jisung huffed as he grabbed his wallet and went to go buy food for the three couples, Changlix not wanting to admit they probably and Jeongchan doing the same.

He waited in line and felt a kiss on his cheek. He looked over to see Minho with a big smile on his face. "Thanks for that."

Jisung chuckles and walks a little forward, Minho's hands finding their way to Jisung's small waist. "It's fine. I didn't want you guys to lose," Jisung says before turning his attention to the lady.

Jisung kissea Minho's cheek before he ran off back to the field for the game to finish.

Jisung sat down and opened his bag of chips after throwing the other guys theirs.

Soon the hame concluded with JYP winning districts.

Jisung quickly ran down the steps of the bleachers waiting for his boyfriend to walk over.

Minho finally made his way over and picked Jisung up by the waist with a smile.

Jisung looks at Minho and leaned down and placed his lips on the olders.

Minho smiles and holds Jisung by the thighs which made the younger wrap his legs around his waist.

They pulled away and Minho smiles at Jisung bigger than he has in his life.

The boy in front of him was his sugar and he just scored a goal.

6:12 pm when finished
10/3/19 date finished
Thoughts on whole book?

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