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-couple weeks later-

Minho woke up by his phone ringing. He groaned at the disturbance and he propped himself up on his left arm to see who was calling.

As he picked up his phone, he saw that is was 2 in the morning on a Saturday.

He answered the call, forgetting to see who it was. "What?" He says. "Minho hyung," Minho's eyes widen and he quickly apologises, "I'm sorry, Sungie, what is it?" He asks calmly since the younger seemed frightened.

"I-I had a nightmare," Jisung mumbles. "Aww, are your parents home?" Minho asks, sitting up. "No, they went out of town for the weekend," Jisung replies, confusing osing into his words.

"Okay, I'll be over in 5 minutes," Minho says grabbing a sweatshirt from his closet and slipping it on. "W-What! No, Minho you go back to bed, I can-"

Minho quickly interrupts him. "No, no, it's fine," Jisung goes quite before saying, "fine, see you soon," Minho smiles in victory and replies, "okay," he quickly ends the call and walks downstairs to the front door, making sure not to wake his parents.

He grabbed his keys and slipped his slides on and opened the front door which sent an icy chill through his body as the cold, fall, air blew into his face.

A meow was heard and he looked down to see his cat, Dori. "You going out? I'll be back in the morning, Dori," The cat rubs her head against Minho's leg before waddling outside.

Minho chuckles and goes to his car after stepping outside and closing the door.

Minho turned his engine off as he pulled into the driveway of Jisung's house. He took his keys out and braced himself for the freezinf weather.

He stepped out and quickly closed it. He walked to the door and knocked, rubbing his arms depsite having a sweatshirt on. It opened to show Jisung. "Come in," Jisung says moving aside.

Minho walks im and slipes his slide off. "What did my Sungie have a nightmare about," Minho coos as the younger hugs Minho by the waist. "Clowns," Minho raises a brow. "Is Jisung scared of clowns?"

Jisung nods his head against Minho's chest. "Now, Jisung wants to cuddle so hurry your cat butt up," Jisung says, walking towards his room. Minho smiles to himself and thinks, god, I can't wait to date him. Before quickly running after the male to catch up.

Jisung laid cuddled up against Minho as they finished watching their 2nd disney movie. "Are you-" Minho smiles as he stops his sentence to see Jisung's body was pressed against Minho's side and his arms around his torso, almost as if he let go he'd die.

Minho slips his phone out from his pocket and sets it on the side table and grabs the remote to turn the TV off.

He sets the button filled object back down on the side table and turns onto his side facing Jisung.

He pulls the youngee closer who clings onto him, still asleep. A small spreads across Minho's face as he closes his eyes and falls asleep as well.

(a/n: Jisung's back is facing his bedroom door btw, just so you know)

Jisung's parents smiled as they saw their house come into view but it Mrs. Han's eyebrow raised at the sight of a familiar car. "Isn't that Minho's car?" She asks as they pull up next to it in their driveway. "Yeah, wonder what he's doing here,"

Mrs. Han shrugs her shoulder's and opens the car door and shivers. "Gosh, it got colder while we were gone," he husband snorts. "Joo, we've only been gone Friday and Saturday,"

Joo chuckles at her husband as he pulls the hoodie she was wearing straighter. "Oh shush you big doof, we'll get out luggage later," her husband nods her head and they walk towards the front door.

Joo opens the door and she takes her shoes off. "He's probably still asleep, you go make breakfast while I wake him up," Her husband raises a brow. "What if-"

Joo smiles at her husband and kisses his cheek. "Daejung, go make breakfast, I'll knock," Joo says. Daejung sighs and nods his head before walking to the kitchen.

Joo walks up thr stairs and goes to her son's room. She knocks on the door to hear a groan.

A shuffle was heard and the door opened to show a half-sleeping Jisung. Joo stood their smiling waiting for her son to wake up.

"Oh shi- I mean hi mom, how was you break?"

Joo snorts at her son who wouldn't open the door all the way. "Is Minho in there?" She asks, wiggling her brows. "N-No!" He says, his cheeks turnijf pink. "So, if I go into the guest room he'll he there?"

Jisung was about to speak when their was shifting noises coming from behikd Jisung.

His mom pokes her head behind her som who quickly shuts the door.


"Um...I'll be down in a little for breakfast!"

Minho raises a brow at Jisung who was blushing hard. "Oh! Okay! Bring Minho!" Footsteps were heard walking away and Jisung slammed his head against the door. "Jisung, bed," Minho grumbles.

Jisung rolls his eyes at the older who pouts. "No, get up and put a shirt on," Minho gets out of bed and grabs one of his sweatshirts from Jisung's closet and slips it on. "This is going to be a long breakfast,"

10:21 pm when finished

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