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Minho arrived at school, earlier than he expected, and got out of his car. He stood there for a second before face palming.

"I was doing that," He ran over to the locker room and went to his locker. He entered the combination and took out his extra jersey.

He closer his locker and held the folded jersery in his hands as he went to the school. He walked over to Jisung's locker and put in the combination, opening it.

Only reason how he knew the combination was because he would stand by his locker a lot and watched him enter the combination. He placed the jersery inside before running back to his car and driving somewhere else.

Time: 7:45 am

Jisung walked into school and went over to his locker. He smiles as he sees Minho leaning against the other lockers.

Jisung walks over and starts to enter his combination. "We have our first actual game tomorrow," Minho says. Jisung looks at him before he opened his locker. "Really! Is it home?"

Minho nods his head. "Yeah," Jisung hums and opens his locker. Jisung's eyebrows furrow as he grabs the piece pf clothing.

"So, I wanted to know if you could wear my number," Minho says scratching the back of his neck.

Jisung smiles and hugs Minho tightly. "Of course I will," Jisung says. Minho eyes twinkle and he hugs him tighter. "Okay! You can also keep it if you want," Jisung chuckles and nods his head.

School ended and Jisung started to make his way to the front of the school but was pulled back. He turned around to see Minho. "You busy?" He asks. "I have to go to the bakery,"

Minho frowns but nods his head. "Okay," Jisung giggles and hugs Minho. "I'm making cupcakes for the soccer team," Jisung explains lookig up at him. "Wait, really!" Jisung nods his head with a giggle.

Minho smiles and kisses Jisung's cheek. "Okay! I'll let you get going then," Jisung rolls his eyes as his cheeks turn pink. "Bye hyung," Minho waves with a big smile on his face as he walked off.

A ding was heard and Jisung looked up from the cash register. It wasn't a very busy day which confused Jisung. It was always very busy but after the little graffiti incident, it sorra died down.

Jisung pulled on a smile. "Hi," the female smiles and looks at everything. She orders and Jisung takes out the treats. "What happened here?" She asks. "We'd gotten some homophobic graffiti a couple weeks ago," Jisung answers as he rings her up.

She pays. "That's upsetting, my friend had told me about this place," she says. "Cool," Jisung says with a smile. "Have a good day," she smiles and leaves with her box of treats.

Jisung huffs and looks at the clock. 6:45 pm.

"Jisung, your father and I are leaving, can you close up?" Jisung looks up from his phone and smiles. "Yeah, see you at the house," His dad ruffles his hair and then they leave.



Heyyyy, practice finished

I'm still at the bakery😖

Awww, I wanted to do homework with you

I'm almost done. I just have to clean up and I'm done



Time: 9:45 pm

After two hours of studying with Minho over the face time, Jisung finally decided to get ready. "Alright," Jisung yawns, "I'm heading to bed,"

Minho hums and nods his head. "Okay, see you tomorrow," Jisung streches upwards and nods his head. "Alright, night night," Minho smiles. "Night,"

Jisung waves and ends the call and went to his bed since he had already gotten ready.

Next morning, Jisung sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He got out of bed and changed into ripped boyfriend jeans, Minho's jersery tucked in, a hollow canvas belt, and timberlands.

He walked downstairs and dropped his bag down near the front door walked to the kitchen. "Oh, who's shirt is that?" His mom asks. "Minho's," Jisung answers casually. "I'm going to their game today, it's at our school,"

She smiles. "When is he going to ask you out? I'm waiting," Jisung rolls his eyes as he grabs an apple and cleans it. "That's a good question, I don't know," she laughs and shakes her head. "Well, I'm going to get the cupcakes I made for the team," he says.

She smiles. "I already told Minho to get the soccer team to the school early," Jisung says as he walks to the front door. "Alright, be safe," Jisung giggles. "I will, bye,"

After getting the cupcakes, he went to the school. He arrived and saw the soccer team with Minho making their way to the soccer field.

He got out and grabbed the cupcakes. He walks over and says, "hey guys," they look over and cheer. Minho walks over and takes the cupcakes and walks over to his team and sets it down.

They all say, "thank you," before eating their cupcakes. "Wait, Jisung, you're coming to the game right?" One of the player. "Yeah! I have to support you guys," Jisung says. "But it's mainly me," Minho cockly states.

"Man, stop being a dick and eat the cupcake your boyfriend made," Minho rolls his eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend,"

Jisung frowns.


7:42 pm when finished

Next friday, the game will be continued

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