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Minho opened the car door for Jisung who got in. He walked over to the driver side and got in. "Are we going to a restaurant?" Jisung asks.

Minho shakes his head, a smile creeping onto his face.

"A movie?"

Another shake from the older which received a pout from Jisung.

"You'll see," Minho chuckles taking Jisung's hand and holding it after he started driving.

Jisung hums and leans his head back, closing his eyes with a smile.

The air was so fresh and amazing yet cold. It was October so it was a little chilly but Jisung didn't mind. The cold brought fun and warm treats into the bakery that Jisung loved to bake. It also brought hot chocolate back which was fun as well.

A loud noise interrupted Jisung's daydream and he opened his eyes, finally noticing the lack of warmth from his hands. "Sorry, did I interrupt you?"

Jisung giggles and takes Minho's hand again, intertwining their finger. "No, you're fine," Jisung giggles as he, as well with Minho, started singing along with the radio.

Jisung laughs at Minho who had succeeded a rapping part in the song. "You're good at rapping," Jisung says. Minho chuckles. "I'm not the only talented person here," Jisung rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," they both laugh.

Jisung bits his bottom lip as he looks around. "Are you going to kill me?" Minho shakes his head quickly. "No, no! Don't get this date wrong, sungie," Jisung giggles and Minho pulls off the road and parks.

He looks at the younger who looks back. "Are you going to tell me what we're doing?" Jisung asks. Minho raises their intertwined hands and kisses the back of Jisung's hand. "Yes,"

Jisung patiently looks at him with a smile. "We're having a picnic and watching the stars," Jisung's eyes twinkle much like the stars out. "You really do listen," Minho nods his head and lets their hands go.

They get out and Minho walks to the trunk. Jisung grabs the two blankets Minho brought and Minho took the basket out and something else then closed the trunk. "May I?" Jisung rolls his eyes and takes Minho's hand. "If you kill me, I'm haunting you,"

Minho chuckles and shakes his head. "I wouldn't mind that," Minho says. Jisung eyes him and giggles. "Werido,"

Jisung smiles as Minho finished singing and playing the guitar. "You have a pretty voice," Jisung says moving closer yo him. "So do you, you joined in with me,"

A small heat came across his face. "W-Whatever, can we look at the stars," Minho nods his head. He puts the guitar away into its case and Jisung sits next to Minho. 

Minho really didn't pay attention to the stars. He paid more attention to his soon to be star next to him. The moonlight hit him just right to show off his features. His big eyes,  his puffy squirrel-like cheeks, and his small yet kissable lips. He was perfect and he always will be. 

"Are you even paying attention?" 

Minho blinks a couple of times and smiles. "Yeah of course, " Minho says. "Really? Cause you were just looking at me while I was pointing out the constellation," Minho smiles, guilty. "You're beautiful! How could I not," 

Jisung rolls his eyes, his cheeks heating up once again. "Lay down, I'm going to show you them again," Minho smiles and lays on his back, Jisung laying down as well. He moved closer to Minho and cuddled into his side. Minho lazily wraps his arm around the smaller's waist as the younger laid his head on his chest. Minho was sure Jisung could probably hear his thumping heartbeat. 

Jisung raises his index finger and began pointing at the stars that created figures in the stary sky.  

Minho looks down next to him and smiles. Jisung had fallen asleep and looked adorable. One leg tangled with Minho's, arms wrapped around his waist, and cheek pressed against his chest. Minho looked at his watch and sighs. He had to get Jisung home before they both would get in trouble. Minho moved Jisung on top of him and he sat up, Jisung mumbling, "no," sleepily. 

Minho stands up, surprisingly, and Jisung wrapped his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck, hiding his face in Minho's neck. After successfully packing up everything and folding the blankets with a squirrel clinging to him, he picked up the picnic basket with the blanket on top and his guitar and made his way to the car. He opened the passenger side after placing the things down and set Jisung in the seat. 

He grabbed one of the blankets and put it on him before buckling him in. He puts everything away and went to the driver side. He got in and started the car. He felt something grab his hand and he looked down and smiled. He looked over to Jisung who's eyes were slightly open. "Home already?" Minho chuckles and nods his head. "Sleep," Jisung only hums in response and falls back asleep, still holding Minho's hand. 

After 10 minutes of driving, they arrived home. Minho glances at the clock on his car and exhales. They still had 15 minutes till 11. Minho shook the thought off and got out of the car and walked over to Jisung's side. "Sungie, wake up," Jisung eyes fluttered open and looked at Minho, with a tired smile. "Come on, we're home," Jisung looks over and unbuckles. 

He gets out of the car and takes Minho's hand and they walked to the front door. "I enjoyed tonight," Jisung says, wrapping his arms around Minho's neck while the older placed his hands on his waist. "I did as well," their eyes flickered to each other's lips and Minho slowly leaned forward, Jisung as well. 

Their moment was interrupted by the front door opening. Jisung looked over while Minho frowned internally. "Mom!" She smiles sheepishly before walking away, leaving the door open. "Bye hyung, I'll see you some other time?" Minho nods his head and smiles as he received a peck on the cheek. "No kiss on the lips?" Jisung rolls his eyes and walks inside the house. 

He turns around and shakes his head. "If the soccer team wins a game, maybe," Jisung winks and closes the door, leaving a smirking Minho. 

9:28 pm when finished

Okay so I haven't posted the update schedule but here it is 

Monday- no updates (unless I start a new book)
Tuesday- no updates
Wednesday- "Home Run"
Thursday- no updates
Friday- "Sugar Goal"
Saturday- no updates
Sunday- "I Promise" (Starting September)

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