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Special shoutout to ISHIKAGUPTAanShu this girl kept me motivated to write and update. Love you❤

Words in italics are nandini' pov.

"Umm.. mukti hey" nandini said peeking in her room from the door as muki looked at nandini surprised for a second before giving her a boring nod.

"Yes?" Mukti muttered uninterestingly.

Nandini stopped in her track for a second thinking it's a bad move. Mukti is already over the top angry because of last night , last thing she want is to talk to nandini.

"Nandini you can talk to yourself all day but if there is something I should listen, you can speak too." Mukti said rolling her eyes bringing nandini back from her thoughts.

Nandini sighed knowing now there is a no turning back.

"Yes, umm...I wanted to ask about Nyonika. Both of you were pretty angry just by her name." Nandini said hesitantly.

Though nandini tried her best to hide her fear but this one question made her stomach churned. She wanted to know what got manik so broken and twisted. She tried to name her care as curiosity but deep down she knew she is opening her walls for the man she least expected to even come anywhere near that wall.

"She was our mother." She heard mukti's clipped voice. Her whole concentration on her laptop and no trace of any emotion.

"Was?" Nandini muttered slowly but when she saw mukti's calm facade shedding she knew what she heard was true. She remembered manik muttering in his sleep about Nyonika.

"Yeah, me and your husband kind of fired her from that position. "Mukti said shrugging her shoulders.

Wait what? Fired? How can someone fire her own mother from the position of mother? Nandini's mind blasted with many more questions but as she tried to speak she found her voice lost.

"Any more questions?" Mukti asked still busy in her laptop.

"Yeah , I mean no. Actually manik said he wants me to go with him somewhere today in the afternoon. But it's already 9 PM and I don't know where he is and even Bitto ji has no idea. So I thought maybe you know ." Nandini finally said and looked at mukti for any trance of worry but she was soo calm that nandini doubted she even heard her.

"Its Saturday and he is at his stupid place . Dont worry , he is safe and he will come late probably drunk ,so you can sleep or if you are feeling sad because he ditched you , you can ask anyone to go wherever you want with you. " Mukti said closing her laptop and sat turning towards nandini.

Nandini found it this small gesture where mukti finished her work to give her whole attention to nandini a little more than sweet. Even though she knew it wasn't

"Ohh , so you do know where he is." I said trying hard to hide my grin but I think it's still there on my face.

Last night I thought, maybe I was wrong, maybe she didn't cared about him but she does.

"Wipe that smile off nandini. I know because I might have seen him there in a pattern." She said with a stern face.

"Yeah, he goes there every Saturday .....just like dad." Mukti said before muttering the last part to herself as if it wasnt for nandini to hear.

Maybe it wasnt. But manik never talked about his dad. I have heard him once talking about his mother in his dream but never about his dad.

"I can take you if you want but on one condition." Mukti said raising her eyebrows.

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