Chapter 28: Stress

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The more time that passed the faster it seemed to go, and the weight of the world was rapidly piling up on Carlos' shoulders. Not only was the possibility of Josie's dire warnings coming to fruition growing ever closer, but he still hadn't found J.Fink and J.Cranor and he grew more suspicious of Mr Markson every day. He complemented just asking Marsha and Jess everything they knew about Kevin. What happened? Why had Mr Markson grown so cold since? But then they'd know he'd seen the picture, one that he was sure Robin had borrowed without permission and heard snippets of a story he wasn't supposed to know yet. Robin had explained it had taken him years just learn that much. He wasn't trusted yet. They'd be far away from Night Vale before he was.

The world kept on moving. It would go on long after this chapter of his life was over, after his entire story was over. As long as he was stuck spinning, he had to move with it. It was either that or get thrown overboard. He kept his knowledge between him and Robin and tried to focus on some actual science.

"It makes a nice change," Marsha had said the last time he'd entered the lab. "seeing you do some actual work."

"I've been working." Carlos insisted.

"Bowling is not work. Getting coffee is not work. Spending valentines with your crush is not-"

"It's called building a rapport. You know how much more information you can get when people trust you?" He wondered how much easier life would be if they trusted him.

"There's rapport and there's falling in love with the locals, my friend." Robin commented.

"Do you want to sleep here again?" Carlos threatened. Nearly a month had passed since the sandstorm and he was yet to get any help with the tree. They were both quietly beginning to wonder if Robin was going to be a permanent housemate, not that either of them particularly minded. It was seeming more and more like they were the only sane people left.

"I'll be good."

His mind was full of smoke. He couldn't see anything through it. His newfound bowling hobby faded, his interest in his research seemed far from view. He was missing more and more report deadlines, though that was partly through choice. Until he knew for sure what it was being used for, he was keeping the details as vague as possible. Considering his already distracted nature it had gone mostly unnoticed.

There was one accidental victim of the whole affair, Cecil. Cecil had gone somewhat neglected since the storm. Talking to each other for the first few days after had been difficult. The pair of them were too shaken up to really process any topic of conversation. Carlos kept his experience to himself, but Cecil warded off the silence by telling his story over and over, leading Carlos to have more unasked questions every time. Since then, they'd been far to distracted to see each other. It was a month later before they eventually ran into each other in the street.

"Carlos, where have you been? I haven't seen you at bowling." Cecil called over as they passed on their way to work.

"Yeah. Sorry, I-"

"Was it something I said? Is it the love letters I sent you? I knew it was too much, but Josie said something old fashion would get your attention and there's something kind of nice about pen and paper. It's the thrill of it all. Doing something illegal just to talk to you."

"The...what now?" Asked Carlos.

" haven't got those, huh?" Cecil blushed.


"Darn mailman. I'd give him a piece of my mind if I knew who he was."

"I'm sorry, Ce. I've just been really stressed lately. Things have been weird at work, I got this really weird letter a few months back, I might die any day now."

"You might what?" Cecil exclaimed.

"Urr...figure of speech." He hoped Josie's warning had also been a figure of speech, but he highly doubted it. He wasn't too worried about that now. He was more worried about Mr Markson's intentions for Night Vale. Something was being hidden from him. He knew it.

"Right...well what's wrong at work. Can I help with it? Do you want me to kill someone?"

"No, no. I just feel like I'm missing something important, you know?"

"Well, maybe you're just asking the wrong questions."

"That's just the thing. I haven't really been asking any questions."

"But you're a scientist. That's you're whole thing." Cecil reminded him.

"But I think it might be dangerous."

"Carlos, when you first moved to Night Vale all you did was things people told you were dangerous. That's one of the reasons I like you. Why stop now?" Cecil reassured.

"'re right. I'm a scientist. I live for danger."

"Precisely. Go chase that danger. I mean...also be careful but chase that danger."

"Yeah." He exclaimed, and for a moment it seemed so easy.

"Now I've got to go warn people about an armed militia around the bowling alley."

"Town under lane five kicking off?" Asked Carlos.

"Not yet, but soon Carlos, soon. See you on Tuesday. The team needs you." Cecil patted him on the shoulder and headed to work. Carlos grinned as he went back to the lab, but the closer he got the more a sick feeling rose in his stomach. Something was wrong. There was a reason he hadn't been given all the information about where his research was going or Mr Markson's 'company'. There was a reason Mr Markson had been so quick to remind him that work came before Cecil. There was no harm in asking, at least he didn't think so. Yet he knew that once that can of worms was opened there was no closing it. He stayed silent for the rest of the day. 

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