Chapter 32: The Truth

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The most satisfying part of being stuck with an irritating group is knowing that you'll soon never have to see said group ever again. It was impossible for Carlos not to smile as that thought ran through his mind while the others packed up their supplies. Just one more day. One more day and he'd have the whole place to himself. One more day before the start of a lifetime of science. One more day before a possible lifetime with Cecil. He'd never have to fear being dragged away from him again.

"Hey, Carlos, are these test tubes yours or mine?" Asked Jess.

"Oh, I don't know." Carlos smiled and shrugged without looking up. He sat comfortably at his desk, not caring one bit about the hectic pack up going on around him. "Take them anyway."

"You're not packing up." Marsha scowled.

"You're right. I'm not." Said Carlos as he continued to write.

"Why not? We need to be out of here at an exact time if we want to meet our debriefing deadline."

"Yeah about that. I'm not going."

The room fell silent. Carlos expected as much. He didn't care, they couldn't stop him. Their opinions no longer mattered.

"Dude, what do you mean you're not going?" Asked Robin, his soon to be ex-housemate. He couldn't wait to sleep in peace.

"I mean I'm not going." Carlos smiled smugly as he finally looked up.

"Why not?" Asked Jess.

"I've got a better offer. I can stay here for the foreseeable future." He explained.

"But how are you going to afford it?"

"I have my sources."

"Carlos, you can't stay here." Marsha said firmly.

"Why not?"

" just..." She looked desperately at the rest of the frozen group for support. Jess' eyes were wide. She knew, Carlos could tell she knew, but she still wouldn't tell. Then it dawned on him. He could ask whatever he wanted. They'd be gone soon enough. What possible consequences could there be?

"Why not, Marsha?" He asked with narrow eyes, the smile falling from his face.


"Just tell him, Marsha." Jess muttered.

"Tell me what?" Carlos snapped. Marsha sighed and finally started to explain.

"This research team is stage one of a multi-stage revival of the town."

"Revival? Night Vale doesn't need-"

"Mr Markson's company, Strex Corp, likes to take small, unknown towns and...improve them. Make them more productive. It starts with a small group of scientists to scope out the place and then expands to new business, new legal forces, everything a town could need to flourish."

"Okay, that's fine. That sounds wonderful. But why does that mean I can't stay here? I could help out. I wouldn't be working for Mr Markson anymore, but I'd be able to point out some of the places to avoid and how to stay safe. You'd be better off with me here." He pointed out.

"It's...not safe." Marsha sighed weakly.

"What do you mean it's not safe?" Carlos laughed nervously.

"Town folks are defensive. They spent the first few months attacking the four of us. Imagine how they'd react when the whole of Strex Corp arrives, and then imagine how they'd react when they find out you're involved." Jess explained.

"I can deal with a few angry Night Vale residents. Heck with Cecil on side I can persuade them to the benefits."

"Mr Markson used to think the same thing." Jess said sadly. ""But people don't tend to simmer down."

"And sometimes we have to make them simmer down." Marsha said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Carlos gulped.

"Listen Carlos, in five, ten years' time this town is going to be one of the most productive in the world. With Night Vale and our last project Desert Bluffs side by side under one cooperation they could be immensely powerful. But resources don't just come out of no-where. Sometimes you need to break down the old to build the new. Sometimes you need to break down the people to build the new." She explained.

"You're going to destroy this place." Carlos said as the realisation dawned on him.

"Not destroy. Improve."

"Carlos, Mr Markson once tried to stick out the entire revival process and it nearly destroyed him. We don't want it to destroy you too." Jess smiled sadly.

"I..." Carlos whispered. How could he leave the town to their fate? But, what could he even do? He was just one person against an entire cooperation.

"You have to leave, Carlos, or you'll be throwing your entire life away."

"I can't." He protested.

"Carlos, if you stay here, you'll die. You understand that, don't you?" Asked Marsha.


"A man like you, a man that always explores and interferes." She hissed. "It would only be a matter of time. But come home with us, imagine how much more you could do. You're a smart man, Carlos, you deserve more than this."

"Okay." Carlos nodded weakly. There was nothing he could do. He was powerless. He always had been.

"It'll be okay, man. Desert Bluffs is fine, so Night Vale will be fine." Said Robin.

"Are they fine?" Asked Carlos, directing a fiery glare straight at Marsha. "Are they really?"

"Just pack up your things, Carlos." Marsha growled. "We leave tomorrow."

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