The Morning

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The alarm beeped loudly in Thomas' ear. He needed to change the noise to a song he actually liked, but most of the time he procrastinated actually doing it. He looked at the date on the clock, it was a Thursday, and it was 8:00 am. He couldn't remember setting it so early, it was usually set at 2 pm just so he could be productive that day (even though he usually put it on snooze). He sighed, turning himself to lay headfirst on his pillow.

"Morning kiddo!" A voice cheered as the door loudly swung open. Thomas moaned, thinking it must have been Joan who must have heard the alarm. The voice silenced for a moment before placing something at the end of the bed. "C'mon Thomas. Logan and I set your alarm extra early so you'd have a great productive day!"

One of Thomas' eyes opened in shock. Did he know a Logan? Is it another one of Joan's friends that was mentioned in a conversation a little bit ago that he should remember? He didn't think so. "Are you sick kiddo?" The voice said again as a grey sleeve swung in front of him. Then he realised.

"Why are you cosplaying as Patton at 8 am Joan?" Thomas rubbed his eyes and turned to sit up, only to see two replicas of himself in front of him, one with the grey cat jumper and blue shirt and another with the black shirt and blue tie, all the items they were wearing were placed in his closet.

"Don't scream Thomas." The black-shirted replica spoke, standing in front of the other one. "We don't know how to explain this either, but just stay calm." This clone, dressed as Logan, was exactly how Thomas portrayed him, from the tone of voice to the posture. Even though on the inside Thomas was screaming and would chase these clones into the street, he remained breathing steadily at this Logan's instruction.

"Is it just you two?" Thomas whispered, staring at Logan. Patton slowly picked up the tray of cupcakes that lay at the bottom of the bed and put it on Thomas' lap. Logan and Patton shook their heads.

"Roman and Virgil are here too. Now - Patton, you've made and given Thomas your cupcakes - let's leave Thomas in peace to process things." Patton nodded and walked with Logan to the door, but not before two other replicas burst through the doors.

"Spit it Hot Topic! What do you know?" The white-suited Roman screamed, holding a cowering Virgil by the hood. Logan and Patton looked at each other quickly, separating themselves so Thomas could see properly. Virgil's stance was angsty as Thomas expected, eyeshadow sharp and arms crossed. It was the first time Virgil had stood, which surprised Thomas as he'd never actually viewed Virgil standing. In his eyes, however, Virgil showed fear but remained silent.

"What's the matter, Virgil?" Patton said, trying to get something out of him. Virgil only looked to Roman, then Patton, then Logan, and lastly Thomas. He took a deep breath in. "You can tell us."

"The Dark Sides are here too." Everyone's eyes widened as Roman let go of Virgil, allowing him to stand properly. There was silence between Thomas and his clones.

"Where are they?" Thomas murmured, hardly able to speak as he slowly made his way through a rainbow decorated cupcake.

"I don't know." Virgil looked down, ashamed. "But they have disguises, they could be anyone."

"We better get ready." Thomas stood and started his day.

A/N - Thanks for reading the first chapter! Fun little thing - I've written cupcakes as 'supcakes' way too much and I don't know if that would be a Logan or Patton quote. Also, I've assumed Thomas is roommates with Joan, but I don't know if that's correct.

(COMPLETE) Out Of Mind, By Your Side - Thomas Sanders FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now