Calming Anxiety

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"Hey, my dark, strange son. Do you need to talk to your Paps?" Patton mumbled, slowly opening the door to Thomas' bedroom and peeking through to where Virgil had collapsed himself on the bed. The movie had started to play again, it was usually normal for Virgil to disappear at random intervals and Patton to cheer him up.

"Leave me alone."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." Patton went into the room anyway, smiling wide and sitting next to him. Virgil sighed, still collapsed on the bed with his hood covering his face. "You're not going to leave until I open up are you?"

"Well, you're missing Aladdin, and you love Disney. I don't want you to miss all of it." Virgil sighed, sitting up but still keeping his hood up, hugging one of his legs. "You know you can tell me anything muffin."

Virgil smirked but then took a deep breath in. "When are we going back into Thomas' mind?"

"Well I don't know, Logan's trying to figure out how to do that with his metal mom fizzies."

"You mean metamorphosis?" Patton nodded excitedly, making Virgil smirk. Logan had purchased book after book ever since the Sides became human on metamorphosis, cloning and other similar processes. It even required a new shelf in Thomas' bedroom that Logan came in and out of several times a day. "Well, I'm worried." Patton nodded again, after all, worrying was all Virgil really did. "What if it just happens one day, just like it did when we came here. We're all back in Thomas' mind, including the Dark Sides. If that is Duke, he's seen murder now. Without us protecting Thomas, he might do it."

"I'm sure Thomas wouldn't kill someone Virgil, not with us. We've protected him from Deceit and Remus for a long time, nothing will change once we're back in the mind." Virgil didn't change from his stance with hood up and arms hugging his leg. "Is that all you're worried about?" Virgil nodded. "Alright, I hear a faint Will Smith, let's not miss the Genie!" Patton excitedly grabbed Virgil's hand and dragged him out of the room to the hallway.

"Wait, Patton!" Virgil shouted, managing to park himself and Patton to a standstill before they went down the stairs. "Can I say something?"

"Of course kiddo."

"I - I..." Patton's eyes started to expand and hands clasp together. "I can kind of... locate where the Dark Sides are. Not completely - but I knew they were in Tallahassee." Patton's expression quickly changed to one of concern, with one eyebrow raised. Virgil turned away slightly, avoiding eye contact with his hood up and knuckles in his hoodie.

"Well, why didn't you tell Thomas? We could have found them and prevented the murder."

"Because I don't want Thomas to be in the same room as them." Virgil instinctively brought eye contact as he said those words, staring Patton down with a grimace with glowing tear-filled brown eyes. Patton nodded quietly, too scared to ask any more, as this was the only time Virgil ever looked intimidating to him.

Just like a Dark Side.

A/N - I don't know if this counts as a Morxiety (VirgilxPatton) chapter but it's a little shorter. Thanks for reading!

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