Patton's Solution

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The Sides had been stored in the living room to sleep as there wasn't enough room in Joan or Thomas' bedroom. Of course, the idea of sleeping in Thomas' room wasn't strange to them as they'd slept there as long as Thomas, just in his mind, but Thomas was against the idea of his clones being in there. Anyway, there was enough room for all four of them on the sofa, and the sofa was pretty comfy. All of them slept on the sofa except Virgil, who didn't like moving from his place on the landing so was just given a sofa cushion to lie on. Every night Patton tried to persuade Virgil to get on the sofa, but every night he refused.

This night was the first night Patton didn't try and persuade. He let Virgil get comfy on the landing in his usual little ball, didn't even ask if he wanted a duvet or another cushion, just let him sleep. "Finally we can get to sleep early." Roman gleefully smirked, lying down on the sofa, spread out and covering his eyes with the crease of his elbow. Patton stood to close the curtains of the window he usually stood by when filming Sanders Sides videos, before turning back to the sofa. As he turned Patton watched Virgil's eye open quickly and watch him travel across. It was predator and prey between the two previous best friends.

Although Virgil and Roman had taken their sleeping positions, Logan was still up and held a small flashlight in order to finish the chapter of the book he was reading. Patton took this as an opportunity to log onto one of the many Thomas Sanders fan pages, this one, in particular, was a Facebook group.

Thomas Sanders posted:
Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals! Did y'all hear about the murder in Tallahassee? Not to be gruesome or anything, but it's really scary to have such a thing happen just a few miles away.

The replies came few and far between, just because of the time of night and the possibility that those seeing the post so late were most likely in different time zones and didn't care or hear about the crime. After a few minutes, Logan glanced over, closing his book and turning his flashlight off. It was too late for verbal communication, or maybe Logan was caught in Virgil's deadly gaze too.

Maybe the post would bring attention to the type of people that follow crime cases, and maybe they could locate where and who the murderer is and even their next steps. Virgil definitely wasn't going to reveal that, so maybe the fans would be able to find out. Patton dreamed the wild dreams he usually would that night, the best one was him, Logan, Roman and Virgil exploring the streets to look for Deceit and Remus. Virgil was smiling on this journey, running ahead of them like a sniffer dog on their trail. Patton could feel his own smile even in his dream state.


A few days had passed, and Patton hadn't heard any more, from fans or news reports alike, about the Tallahassee murderer. Well, apart from the nickname. Because of the graffiti by the scene or the crime the murderer was nicknamed 'the Duke Killer'. This drove every Thomas Sanders fan to theorising and linking areas or the crime to Remus' character as portrayed in that one episode.

Of course, this nickname meant the murderer came up in conversation a lot in the Sanders house. Every time it did, Patton felt Virgil's glare which stopped him have any input in the conversation. The conversation was usually only between Thomas, Roman and Logan anyway. Roman and Logan knew the Dark Sides the best, and Thomas was following the news uncovering the murderer's identity.

Thomas, Joan and the Sides were having dinner in the living room, sharing general conversation as well as the topic Patton was forbidden from. It was just like a normal meal, Virgil was on the landing and the rest of the Sides on the sofa and Thomas and Joan in the kitchen. There were no visitors, just those who lived in the house. 

There was a knock on the door.

The house silenced to hear if there would be another knock. Roman shuffled away from where he was sitting at the arm of the sofa near the window. Joan put their plate down and went to open the door, the whole house still silent and all apart from them avoiding the door. However, when it was opened there was no-one there. "Hello?" Joan called, stepping out of the door slightly to look across the house. As Joan's foot stepped back it hit against a small glass container on the floor which Joan brought in as they closed the door. As the door closed the container was recognised as Crofter's strawberry jam. Joan stared at it with a look of worry, holding a label attached to the jar with a piece of string. They read from it: "Your address has been leaked, Thomas. We thought we'd warn you with some strawberry jam. - Nifty and Marilou."

A/N - So Thomas' address has been leaked, and Patton's under pressure. If you want to be included as a crazy fan just message me!

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