Logan's Plan

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Logan sat reading a book about animal cloning, quite an interesting read, waiting for Roman to return from his walk so the four of them could make dinner together. Thomas and Joan were out, he believed visiting Terrence in some other state, it didn't really matter much. He was eating spoonfuls of strawberry Crofters between turning the pages to entertain himself while Patton was going through a picture book colouring in the pictures and Virgil - where was Virgil? The toilet door was still open, meaning it wasn't occupied, and the landing was empty. "Where's Virgil, Patton?" Patton looked up from his colouring but didn't answer, just glanced around carelessly. Logan stood, marching up the stairs before the door opened signifying Roman's return.

"We're going on a quest!" Roman shouted as the door shut behind him, causing Logan to return from downstairs and Patton to look up. Virgil emerged behind him, putting his hood down and removing the pastel hoodie. "Save the Crofters Logan, I'm going to get into proper attire."

"What is this quest?" Logan shouted but wasn't answered by Roman. He looked down the stairs to Virgil, who hadn't returned to the landing but instead leant against the door. "Virgil? Care to explain why you were out with Roman?"

"We're going to Georgia." Logan gasped and was about to argue back before Virgil stopped him with his monotone voice. "Remus and Deceit are there. We need to stop them."

"Without Thomas." Patton input into the conversation, glancing at Virgil before looking to Logan. Patton would usually phrase that as a question, but instead, he seemed rather sure of it, down to his facial expression. Virgil nodded in agreement. Patton sat up at this as Virgil sat next to him.

"Are we ready for the quest my fair maidens?" Roman shouted again, drawing his sword and staring up into the sky.

"This is ridiculous, we can't just run away without Thomas. Especially to a whole other state! Are you all crazy?"

"We pretend as if we're back in his mind. He will be none the wiser." Virgil mumbled.

"We don't have any money to travel, especially to Georgia."

"I have a plan." Patton said, mirroring Virgil's tone but with his own inflexions that were usual of how he speaks. He went onto a Facebook fan group and wrote a simple message.

Thomas Sanders posted:
Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals! I need a favour, as y'all know my address. Me and a few of my friends are dressed in Sanders Sides cosplay and need to get to Georgia tonight, are any of you able to drive us there? We need someone to drive Patton, someone to drive Logan, someone to drive Virgil and someone to drive Roman.

It didn't take that long for four people to respond, all lived near Florida or were visiting. Sam was driving Virgil first, then Renee would be driving Roman, Madison will be driving Patton and Adelaide driving Logan lastly, at the dead of night. "Do we know where in Georgia we need to go, Virgil? It's unfair to ask fans to drive us to the north of Georgia at this time at night." Virgil nodded.

"Thomasville." Virgil mumbled in a sigh, already spotting Patton start to snigger. "I don't know why, but that's where they've been planning to go."

"I knew Remus was looking at a map." Roman interrupted with a spoon of Crofters in his mouth. "We might be able to beat them to it if we travel tonight." Virgil nodded in agreement. Logan was still unsure, bringing a map up from Thomas' bookcase to look at the route they'd travel. Logan then picked up the pastel hoodie that Virgil had thrown on the floor.

"If we're doing this, we still need to disguise. Virgil can use his hoodie, but the rest of us still need hoodies over our outfits to hide our face." The group nodded and ran to Thomas' wardrobe. Roman decided to use the pastel one, Patton picked up a light blue hoodie and Logan got a black one. A car soon parked outside with who must be Sam inside it. "Let's go."

A/N - I've never actually been to Florida or Georgia so sorry if the geography's a bit off, but there are more fans! Also, I'm really bad at making covers for books on Wattpad so if anyone wants to design a new cover for me that'll be great!

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