The Buio Couple

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Deceit slid his gardening gloves off. They had been out for a while, had their fun, and left the TV on so that the Light Sides still believed they were there, even though they locked the door on them. "That was fun, Pace." Deceit said, watching Remus put the crime-weapon back in the drawer. "Oh, Pace, darling!" Deceit shouted in her high pitched cheer, probably inciting the attention of their kidnap victims upstairs. "There's been a break in - in the Mall just around the corner. Graffiti says it was the Duke Killer again!" Of course Deceit couldn't hear a reaction, but he knew it would be good.

"I can't believe Roman refused that ticket to Hollywood." Remus whispered, holding the card in his hand. It was fake of course, it was only to complete the last stage of the plan - separate them all. They would have first taken Roman to Hollywood, then Logan to Harvard, Patton to Orlando, and Virgil will be sorted in - other ways. Then Thomas will never be able to find them, meaning Deceit and Remus could do the dirty work that Thomas refused to do because of said Light Sides.

There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Deceit shouted, getting ready to fit into her grandma aesthetic. He was much better at acting and pretending than Remus, Thomas' creativity. He opened the door to see two teenagers at his doorstep.

"Is Thomas Sanders here?" One of them asked. They held what looked like a present with the name 'Keylee' written on the side.

"Who's Thomas Sanders, never heard of him. Pace, have you?" Pace stayed out of sight on the teenagers, he hadn't quite transformed into the old man yet. "I'm sorry, you must have gotten the wrong house."

"This address was leaked!" A girl who held a similar box with 'Kelsie' on said. "And he and his friends travelled to Thomasville last night, are you sure he didn't stop by?" Deceit shook his head. "Oh, OK then."

Remus was about to walk up to the door but Deceit quickly shut it. Remus sighed at this. "I was going to invite them in, Slime F*cker." Deceit sighed at the nickname and sat on the sofa. "I was gonna ask 'em how they got our address. The police might be on our tail."

"How could they? I doubt Verge's new friends have anything to contact the police with up there." Remus nodded as the TV was turned on louder to drown any complaints from the people trapped upstairs out.


Thomas and Joan finally arrived at the address on the Facebook page. Two people were walking away from the house, holding boxes. Thomas hung out the car as Joan slowed down so they could talk to them. "Thomas!" They cheered as they saw him. They were definitely fans.

"Hey, guys, do you know who lives in that house?" Thomas asked, pointing to the house addressed on the Facebook page.

"An old couple, why?"

"Anyone else in there?" They shook their head. Thomas sighed. "Thanks."

"We should go anyway, just in case." Joan said, parking the car right next to the house and getting out. They went to the door and knocked, but the old couple didn't answer the door.

A/N - It's almost finished, and yes, Verita and Pace Buio are Dark Sides. Buio is dark in Italian, Verita is truth (inverse of Deceit) and Pace is peace (inverse of Remus' intrusive thoughts). Next chapter is going to be final battle and then I have a few more ideas for Sanders Sides inspired fictions if you guys like my writing style.

(COMPLETE) Out Of Mind, By Your Side - Thomas Sanders FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now