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Thomas did dream of the Sides that night. Well, not as he would usually dream of them. Normally, he'd dream up a Sanders Sides video, they would stand in their positions and talk to him just as the Sanders Sides videos went; or it was actually making a video, getting dressed, saying lines, editing.

This dream was different though. They were running. Thomas was running with them, although he wasn't quite sure where. Patton was in the lead, followed by Roman, then Logan and lastly Virgil. Virgil was the only one that also held Thomas' confused expression, stopping every so often to look around before carrying on. Thomas tried to communicate with Virgil and Logan, asking them what was going on, but they didn't reply. It was like he wasn't even heard, only a visage that surrounded them.

"There!" Patton shouted to the group, pointing ahead of him. Remus and Deceit were there, with smiles on their faces as Patton approached. They hugged Patton when he reached them, then brought Roman, Logan and Virgil in too for a group hug. Thomas was left out of it, stood away, as the six of them slowly faded away with Deceit's evil laugh echoing around him.

Thomas woke up quickly from that dream, startled. The alarm clock was set to 8 am, as it was every day Logan lived in Thomas' house, to be productive. He opened his wardrobe, the three hoodies still hadn't returned. "Joan! Are they back?" Thomas called as he heard Joan's familiar light footsteps tread around the house.

"Landing's still empty!" Joan called back before going into Thomas' room. "Was something stolen?" Joan asked as they realised the open wardrobe that Thomas stood in front of.

"Yep - three hoodies. Pastel pink, baby blue, and black."

"Well, if they wanted to take hoodies it'll be Virgil to take the black one - right?" Joan sat on the bed, looking between all the clothes to see if there's any more missing. "Patton would take baby blue - it's his favourite colour. We took the red hoodie to Savannah, so it might be that Roman took the pink one?" Thomas slowly nodded. "Did you dream about 'em?" Thomas nodded again. "Well then maybe they figured out how to take souvenirs. Logan's not gonna be the type for souvenirs, is he?" 

"It still doesn't feel right." Thomas could only murmur. "If three of the Sides had enough time to take souvenirs then why wouldn't Logan clean away the Crofter's jar downstairs? He was always the one to clean up plates after dinner if you or I forgot."

The door knocked. Joan's eyebrows furrowed while Thomas ran downstairs. Did they need to escape for the evening from fans, sleep on the streets, before returning back in the morning? Were they taken, kidnapped, and managed to escape? Thomas was still in pyjamas and half asleep, but he didn't care. He just wanted the Sides safe.

However, when he opened the door, four people stood, but not the four he was looking for. They all smiled gleefully at Thomas' appearance and cheered. They all dressed in Virgil cosplay. "Thomas! Hi!" The first one shouted. "I'm Zarina, this is Ellie, Katelynn and Kitty." The other three waved as Zarina pointed at them.

"We brought you eyeshadow for Virgil, we didn't know if you'd run out." Katelynn murmured. They revealed from their pocket four sets of grey and black eyeshadow, each labelled with sticky-notes that had the name of the person that must've bought them. 

"Thank you." Thomas mumbled, putting the eyeshadows in his pocket to store in the Sides costume's drawer that hadn't been used in weeks. He was about to say goodbye before Kitty interrupted.

"We didn't think you'd be here. You and your friends last night said they needed a ride to Thomasville." Kitty smiled. "We were just going to leave the eyeshadow on the doorstep."

"How many were there?"

"One was wearing a Virgil hoodie, dressed in full cosplay. Sam drove them. Then Renee drove someone in a pink hoodie. Then Madison drove someone in a baby blue hoodie and Adelaide drove someone in a black hoodie." Ellie chirped with hands in their Virgil hoodie swinging back and forth. "It's all people are talking about on the Facebook page. There are pictures and stories of what the people talked about. People thought you might be Virgil, but some people think you were Roman or Patton or Logan." Thomas nodded along with Ellie's blind chatter.

"Well, we should let you be now." Zarina interrupted. "Enjoy the eyeshadow, Thomas!" They waved goodbye and Thomas closed the door. 

"Joan, don't unpack!" Thomas shouted up the stairs. "We're going to Thomasville."

A/N - More fans! Also, for the clue from the previous chapter, use Google Translate on everything.

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