Roman's Walk

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Every so often the Sides decided they needed to walk around rather than be cooped up in Thomas' house. Thomas' house was different from Thomas' mind anyway, you couldn't expand it at the wave of a hand or create impossible things out of air. Whenever they needed to go out they usually went one at a time, dressed in Thomas' clothes for the journey and didn't talk to anyone or went with one of Thomas' friends.

Roman was preparing to go out on a walk by searching through Thomas' wardrobe. "I can't go out without some sense of style," Roman whispered to himself looking through all the jeans and colourful t-shirts. Thomas and Joan had taken the day off from hiding the Sides, leaving Logan in charge of keeping order. Not that order needed to be kept, Patton had calmed tremendously being in the real world - it must be the lack of unicorns and dragons. Eventually, he picked out an outfit and put it on before walking downstairs.

As Roman reached the stairs he saw Virgil laying across the landing like an injured soldier. He had hardly moved for a few days. In the first days of being outside the mind, Virgil usually stood in the kitchen or leant against the door, usually with a speaker in his hand with his emo music and Disney songs. He would only sit on the landing to rest or sleep. However, now he was on the landing 24 hours a day apart from the 5-minute toilet breaks, his speaker replaced with noise-cancelling headphones. "Panic-At-The-Everywhere..." Roman whispered, nudging Virgil. Virgil looked up with annoyance at being disturbed, as usual. "I'm going out for a walk, wanna come with?" He brought out a hoodie from behind him, a coat in case it started raining, but it would also hide the Thomas-face and black-purple markings under Virgil's eyes. Logan, who was meant to be on watch-out for deviance like this, was elbow deep in books. Patton was also reading a more simple book and didn't seem to want to snitch on Virgil anyway.

Virgil nodded and stood, putting the pink hoodie over his black and purple one and zipping it up. Although Roman didn't get on with Virgil as much as he did with Logan or Patton, he did have mutual respect for him that had only grown over years of him sticking around. The only way he could really describe it was like a bond between two brothers with wide age differences. Virgil was the 14-year old that was entering every single phase possible and pushing all signs of love and affection away; Roman was in his mid-twenties and had sorted himself out, understood himself, and had confidence in what he did.

Virgil had left his headphones inside to go on this walk. He kept his head down most of the time, while Roman was using this time out to admire the birds and squirrels scurrying along. "Remus has been keeping me up all night," Roman whispered to start a conversation. Virgil looked up slightly, but only so that the light reached the tip of his nose.

"The real one, or just the idea of him?" Virgil whispered back, even though it looked as though his lips weren't moving.

"I think the real one, brotherly bond, you know." Virgil nodded, still in silence. "I wish we just knew where he was, his next steps. Deceit must be along the ride with him too." Virgil nodded again, turning his head away slightly before looking forward with his head up.

"They're in Georgia." Virgil's voice whispered, slightly robotic and laboured, his eyes staring at him. "I know they're in Georgia."

"We need to find them, to stop them! Slay them if we must!" Roman almost shouted, joy overcoming him until he was more like Patton.

"We can. Without Thomas."

A/N - So they've got a game plan. Do you guys think Thomas would find them if they run away? I will also include more fans later in the story where I can fit them in.

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