Boss Fight

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(Picture by ABD Illustrates - check them out here : )

"It's nice to see you... Thomas Sanders." Deceit whispered, extending his 's' as he turned that side of his face to Thomas and Joan. "Why did you bring your friend?" Deceit lay his hand on Thomas' shoulder, clasping on, as Joan grabbed his other arm.

"We've been waiting for you Thomas." Remus appeared behind Thomas and Joan, teleporting into place and pushing Thomas in. The door locked, blocking Joan from accessing his friend, and Remus teleported back in.

"Where are the Sides?" Thomas growled, puffing himself up like a cat. In reality, he was probably more similar to a scared kitten when paired against the two worst parts of himself. "Where have you put them?"

"We are your Sides Thomas." Deceit laughed as Remus prepared a rope to tie him with. "If anything, we are the real you Thomas. You thought us up, and sure, you made up those flowery nice parts of yourself - But how do you know you aren't seeing yourself in a better light!" Thomas was pushed after that statement onto a chair where the rope was attached at one side. He tried to stand but Deceit was stepping on his toes to keep him from getting away. He was soon trapped, a rope tight across his chest.

The Sides must be in the house, but he didn't know if they were alive or dead. "Help!" Thomas screamed; it was the only thing he could think of doing as he couldn't move his hands. "Roman, Logan, Patton, Virgil! Help!"

"It's no use, Thomas." Remus mumbled, a sinister look in his brown eyes. "They're locked upstairs."


"Roman, Logan, Patton, Virgil! Help!"

The Sides heard the holler from their bedroom upstairs and immediately recognised it as Thomas. They stood from the bed, something had happened to stop their waiting. They had a plan. Logan and Virgil went to the locked door, Virgil tried to pull it down while Logan tried to detach the lock with any small object in the room. Roman and Patton opened the unlocked window and called out, in case Thomas was there instead.

After Roman and Patton called for a few minutes. It wasn't Thomas, but rather Joan. "Joan, Royal Joan! We're locked in!" Joan waved but seemed to already be on the phone.

"Joan's down there, and they're calling someone!" Patton shouted, running over to Logan and Virgil. They seemed too concentrated to give any reaction, peering through the door, working in silence unlike the other side of the room.

After a few more minutes of Joan being on the phone, they hung up. "Probably emergency services," Logan whispered. Patton and Roman had stopped shouting. Roman stayed by the window so Joan still knew they were there. Patton was running around the room grabbing any small object that could fit in the keyhole or between the door and the wall.

Roman stepped back, a smile on his face. "It's better than emergency services." He said, stepping back until he sat on the bed. The three other Sides approached the window slightly to watch a ladder crash against the wall. One by one, people filtered through the window. Joan came first; followed by the fans that put Crofter's jam on Thomas' doorstep, Nifty and Marilou; then came the fans that drove the Sides to Thomasville: Sam, Renee, Madison and Adelaide; then, holding eyeliner, came Zarina, Ellie, Kitty and Katelynn; and lastly, holding tin boxes, Keylee and Kelsie.

"Mind out the door guys." Joan said calmly, getting as close as he could to a wall as the room was getting quite crowded. People in the room were talking about why there were four Thomases in the room, solving their conspiracy theories on the Sanders Sides or just fangirling. "Go!" Joan then shouted, and it began.

Nifty let out an ear-piercing scream, similar to a fangirl scream, and then all twelve of them pushed and leant against the door, hitting it with anything they could. Once it budged Zarina, Ellie, Kitty and Katelynn walked up to each of the Sides and Joan, painting eyeliner under each of their eyes. Virgil didn't need it but considered it gladly as a top-up.

They all ran downstairs, ready for battle. Joan and the Sides distracted Remus and Deceit in a chase around the house and garden, the tin boxes that would have been gifted to Thomas (given by Kelsie and Keylee) as their weapon. With their reflexes, the boxes got quite a few hits into both of them. Sam, Marilou and Adelaide undid Thomas from his chair trap, as now his legs and hands were tied too. Once the three ropes were separated the fans went into groups of fours. It was Thomas' job to run out of the house as he was the main target. Kitty, Nifty, Katelynn and Kelsie were in charge of Deceit with Virgil and Joan distracting him. They tied him up and held him in place, leaning him against the wall so he couldn't move. Sam, Marilou, Adelaide and Zarina were in charge of doing the same with Remus, which was harder due to his teleportation, but as soon as he was also against the wall with Roman's weight on his chest he gave up. Renee, Madison, Ellie and Keylee had the last piece of rope and with everyone else's help managed to tie the Dark Sides together.

Then, they disappeared. Even the Light Sides vanished into thin air at the blink of an eye. "Where are they?" Was the only question going around the group. Thomas then appeared again from the garden door, panting.

"They're back in - here." Thomas panted, pointing to his head. "I can hear them..." He was only staring at Joan as he said this, but then realised everyone surrounding him. "I've got a story to tell y'all..."

A/N - So that's the end! I didn't want this to carry on for too long, but I hoped you all enjoyed it. I've got another Sanders Sides fanfiction up called The Swap, just check my profile!

(COMPLETE) Out Of Mind, By Your Side - Thomas Sanders FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now