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Ruby's POV

I woke up from my nap and rubbed my eyes. I looked to see I was resting on Weiss's shoulder, who was also asleep. I sat up and looked to the front of the ship to see Glynda with her legs up and typing on a tablet. I scooted last my sleeping team and walked to the front of the ship.

"Hello Miss Goodwitch." I Said. She glanced at me before returning to her tablet.

"Hello Miss Rose." She said. I smiled before looking at my feet.

"Is there something you need?" She asked after we sat in silence for a minute or two.

"I was wondering...when we do find...y'know...Y/N, what are we going to do?" I replied. She stopped clicking on her tablet and sat for a few seconds before turning to me.

"I don't know. What I do know is him and me are gonna have a long talk and then he'll probably be sent to jail to be...executed." She explained. I nodded. I noticed a couple of tears flowing down from her eyes but she turned towards the front of the ship.

I looked back down at my feet and sat there for god knows how long before my guardian angel, Weiss appeared at my side.

"Hey Rubes." She said, taking a seat next to me.

"Hey Weiss." I responded.

"Why aren't you back there with the rest of us?" She asked, gesturing to the back of the ship where currently Nora was stacking everyone's weapons on her nose.

"That's why." I Said. Weiss shrugged.

"I understand." She said. We chuckled before looking back at the floor. We looked up at each other and just stared into each other's eyes for a bit before I turned away to hide my blush. I glanced over to see Weiss did the same.

"We should be touching down in Atlas in about 2 hours." Said James from the cockpit. We all clapped and cheered as we had been in the air for about 6-8 hours. I felt something rest on my shoulder so I turned to see Weiss had curled up next to me and was taking a nap. I blushed before resting my head on her head. I then promptly fell asleep as well.


I had stayed up all night, attending the experiments of Tyrian and Watts. The two were fused with Deathstalker DNA for Tyrian and Nevermore DNA for Watts. After their tests were completed, Watts joined me on my quest while Tyrian needs some...encouragement.

I walked down the hall before standing in front of a door that was flanked by two of my Royal Guard.

I walked down the hall before standing in front of a door that was flanked by two of my Royal Guard

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(They wear this)

They saluted me stiffly.

"Open it." I Said. They turned two keys at the same time causing the door to creak open. The left guard handed me a briefcase. I took it from his hand and walked inside. The room was pitch black beside the light that shines through a small window. I glanced around the room before I saw a glimpse of white in the corner.

"Tyrian. Come on out." I ordered.

"Please. No more." He Said weakly. I chuckled before opening the briefcase. Inside was a metal pole with dual prongs at the tip. I retrieved it from inside and held it in my hand. I lowered the briefcase before lightly dropping it on the cold floor.

"Please." He whimpered. I chuckled again.

"Not until you join me." I said.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked.

"I'm doing it because it must be done." I replied coldly. I stepped forward towards him and he pushed himself back against the wall. I pressed a button on the pole causing the tip to extend a few inches and electricity jumped from prong to prong. He yelled as I took another step forward.

I then thrusted the prod into Tyrian causing him to scream in pain. I held it there before I slapped him hard across the face causing him to fall to the ground before I impaled the prod into his back causing him to scream again.

I lifted the prod up from Tyrian as smoke drifted from the spots I had shocked him. He cried lightly before I shoved the prod into his neck hard. His scream could shatter someone's eardrum. I held it there for a few seconds before yanking it away.

"Have you made your decision?" I asked.

"Yes for god sakes yes!!" He yelled at me.

"Good." I Said.

"I'll work for you." He said quietly.

"Excellent." I Said. I walked towards the door before putting the prod back in the briefcase and carrying it out of the room.

"I guarantee you won't regret this." I Said. I smiled before walking out the door and slammed the door shut.

"He's made his decision. It's a yes." I said to the guards. They nodded before turning the keys and the door swung open and they walked inside. A few seconds later, they walked out with Tyrian. They dragged him out and carried him to the lab.

I walked down the hallway and out to the courtyard. I noticed Neo sitting on a bench as she ate ice cream and read a book. The book was titled 'Ninjas of Love.' I snuck up behind her quietly before jumping at the opportunity.

"Whatcha readin?" I asked in a cutesy voice. She quickly hid the book in her jacket and looked away, an obvious blush on her face.

"Just messin' with ya." I said as I hopped over her and landed next to her.

"How you holding up?" I asked. She shrugged. She pulled up her scroll and typed on it.

'I'm fine, just bored. Things haven't been the same since Merc and Em left.' She wrote. I nodded.

"I miss them too. By the way, did you find them?" I asked. She nodded before reaching under the bench and pulling out a box. Inside the box was the severed heads of Emerald and Mercury, their mouths open and their eyes wide in shock and surprise. I smiled and held the box in my hand and looked at the heads.

"Sorry it had to be this way." I said to the heads. I closed the box shut with the lid and placed it next to me on the ground.

"Hey Neo. I need you for a job." I said. She perked up at the mention of her name.

'What is it?' She typed.

"I need to tie up some loose ends. Would you accompany me?" I asked. She nodded happily.


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