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Ruby's POV

I sat in my seat, legs up to my chest as we had been in the air for hours. We hadn't moved an inch. I glanced around to see everyone clutching their hearts and panicking silently.

"How much longer?" Asked Glynda. Nathan looked at her and glanced at his watch.

"Any minute now." He said. All I hoped was that Weiss and Yang were okay. As silence filled the air, the sky darkened and turned blood red.

"Right on time." Said James. I looked out the window to see an endless abyss of darkness and despair as Grimm roamed the open fields of stone and terror.

"Where are we?" Asked Jaune.

"The dark realm." Said Glynda with a look of fear.

"The dark realm?" Asked Blake.

"Home of the Queen of the Grimm, Salem." She said cryptically. I gulped.

"You haven't heard?" Said Hoxton with a questioning look.

"Heard what?" Asked Pyrrha.

"The Queen is dead. Salem's long gone." Added Wolf.

"Impossible. She's immortal. How?" Asked Glynda.

"Hell of I know." Said Hoxton before looking back at the front of the ship.

"Wait, if she's dead. Then who's leading the Grimm?" Asked Glynda.

"Who do you think?" Growled Wolf.

"Y/N." I said quietly. Everyone looked at me, eyes wide.

"Oh my god. It's all coming together." Said Jaune, as he clutched his head.

"Approaching the citadel. Slowing down by 5 knots." Said James as he pulled on a couple levers and pressed some buttons.

"Beginning descent." Said James as he lowered us onto a platform that hung on a bridge. The bridge connected to a door that lead to a giant gothic castle, littered in towers, walls and spikes.

"Spooky." Said Blake. We all nodded.

"Move." Said Nathan as he drew his rifle and aimed it at us. We all stood up and stepped off the ship. I saw James take the safe and put it into a box. Him and Wolf then lifted the box and carried it towards us. I looked forward to see about a dozen men all wearing matching uniforms and hats with red armbands walking towards us. In front of them was a man in a blue coat with a bushy mustache. He seemed to have grown giant wings from his back and sprouted out the back.

"Mr. Steele." Said the man in the blue coat.

"Dr. Watts." Acknowledged Nathan. Dr. Watts snapped as one of the royal guard stepped forward with a brief case. Dr. Watts took the briefcase and held it to Nathan.

"5 million lien. As promised." Said Dr. Watts. Nathan took the case and cracked it open slightly.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Said Nathan as he walked back towards the ship. He gestured to his gang and they followed him onto the ship. James looked back at me and smirked before he hopped on the ship. The ship soon hovered before flying away, disappearing in the dark sky.

"Follow me." Said Watts as he turned and started to walk away before his massive wings lifted him off the ground and beated against the air, causing him to fly above the ground. His guards shoved me and the group forward as 4 of the other guards lifted the box on their shoulders and carried it, following close behind.

"Welcome to Castle L/N." Said Watts as he lead us through the courtyard into a hallway. He walked us down the hallway before he walked down some stairs that lead to some kind of dungeon, cells lining the walls. The guards shoved us into some of the cells and locked the doors behind us.

Darkness Over Remnant-Male Reader X RWBY (Sequel To King Of The Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now