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Me and Neo teleported to my target. We were outside a large building near the heart of Menagerie. It had White Fang flags all over it. We walked into the main building to the reception desk. A female Faunus with deer antlers sat at the desk.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yes, we have a meeting with Adam Taurus and Sienna Kahn." I told her.

"Do you have a reservation?" She asked again.

"Yes. It's right here." I said as Neo pulled the blade of her umbrella and stabbed the receptionist between the eyes. She held the blade for a few seconds before yanking it out, causing the body to collapse on the desk.

"Sleepy time." I said in a high pitched voice as I walked by. Neo followed. We pushed the doors open to the throne room to see Siena Kahn on her throne with her guards by her side and Adam Taurus in front of her and in a heated argument.

"Sorry to interrupt your lovers quarrel." I said. Adam and Sienna turned to us and the guards drew their weapon. When they saw me, their eyes widened.

"Lord L/N...w-w-we didn't know y-y-y-you would make an appearance." Said Sienna in a terrified tone.

"I needed a word with you two." I said.

"What is thy bidding?" Asked Adam.

"The White Fang...I've realized that I'm the coming days, I will not require your aid." I said. Sienna furrowed her brow.

"What are you saying?" Asked Adam.

"It means your order is dissolved. Broken. Shattered." I explained.

"What?! You can't just..." started Sienna before I dashed towards her and impaled her in the gut. She arched over in surprise. I smirked as I saw the light leave her eyes as I removed the sword.

"NOOOO!!" Cried Adam as he drew his sword only to be slashed across the arm by Neo causing him to drop his sword.

"Adam. I like you, I do, but you need to learn when to quit." I said as I leaned towards him. The two guards drew their spears and dashed at me. I used my sword to perform a spin move. I spun with the sword outwards and put the sword back to my side. I looked behind me to see the guards heads slide off of their shoulders.

"Why?" Asked Adam as I yanked his mask off to reveal his scarred and distorted eye.

"Because it is thy will. And thy will be done." I said poetically before putting my sword to his neck and performing a clean slice. He leaned back as blood seeped from his throat slit. He gargled before falling on his back and choked before falling silent as his arms rested by his side.

"Welp. Back to my plan." I Said as I sheathed my sword. Neo nodded before closing her umbrella. I held my arm out to her. She blushed before wrapping her arm around mine. We walked out of the room and to the lobby where two White Fang soldiers were checking the receptionist.

"Good evening gentlemen." I said. They looked up only to have their throats slit by Neo. They collapsed to the ground. I smiled at Neo and she smiled back. I laughed as we walked outside and she smiled brightly at me. I twirled her around as she spun on her high heeled boots. I lowered her to the ground only for her to smile widely at me.

We continued to waltz around the town for about 2 hours, laughing and smiling all the way.

"Y'know, I know this was supposed to be a surprise Neo. But I've been working on something." I said. She cocked an eyebrow at this.

"Here." I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small device. It was in the shape of a pill and the size as well. It had a smooth surface in the colors of neopolitan ice cream. She tilted her head at it.

Darkness Over Remnant-Male Reader X RWBY (Sequel To King Of The Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now