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Ruby's POV

We continued to return fire on the swarm of guards that were overrunning the radio room. I glanced over to see Ren had a bullet wound in his abdomen. Nora treated his wounds. Everyone else was firing weapons out the door or striking any others that got close enough with their melee weapons. Glynda cast a spell and rebuilt a barricade.

"How much longer?" asked Glynda to Ozpin.

"I don't know! James hasn't responded." replied Ozpin. I blind fired Crescent Rose around the corner, striking a soldier square in the chest. He flew back into a wall with a smack. I loaded another bullet and fired again.

"I don't know how much longer we can hold out!" I called to Ozpin.

"LOS LOS LOS! SCHNELL!! SCHNELL!!" cried one of the officers as he urged his soldiers forward.

"Just a little bit longer I can feel it!" replied Ozpin.

"They've breached the East entrance!!" called Coco as she unloaded her minigun onto a group of guards that were breaching a door.

"They got Jaune and Pyrrha!" said Velvet. I turned to see a group of guards breaching the door.

"They got Nora and Ren too." said Yang.

"We're not gonna make it." said Blake as she slashed a soldier.

"We have to have hope!" I said to the discouraged group.

"Drop your weapons!" said an officer. I looked up to see that the rest of the soldiers had now poured through the door and had completely surrounded us.

"Crap." said Yang. I sighed and threw down Crescent Rose. Everyone followed suite.

"Take them to Lord L/N." said the head officer. A group of soldiers picked up our weapons and left while another threw on some handcuffs on our wrists and pushed us out the door.

"Watch it!" said Weiss. The soldier said nothing as he continued down the hallway. The soldiers led us down another hallway before opening a large double door to a throne room. A man in royal attire with a black suit and a long red cape stood at the end of the room.

"Hello everyone. It's great to see you all again." said the man. He turned around and we all gasped loudly. It was Y/N. He had changed a lot since we last saw him. He had short H/C hair, sparkling E/C eyes and his features on his face had gotten more worn.

"You son of a bitch!" said Yang as she tried to stand up but was forced back to the floor by a guard.

"Good to see you too." he said with a sarcastic smirk.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Attitude." said Y/N coldly and quietly.

"Teenagers amirite?" he said with a smile as he glanced at Glynda.

"Oh I remember those days. Wanted to kill everything in sight, awww." he said as he hugged his arms.

"I asked you what you want." I said. He gave me a look of surprise.

"Sorry, head's still a little fuzzy. The reason I brought you here is I'm gonna kill you." he said as he drew a switchblade. We all gulped loudly. He clicked his tongue and walked a little closer to us.

"Why?" asked Weiss.

"I dunno. I've been wanting to for a while but I needed to exploit you first." he said.

"Exploit us? For what?" asked Coco.

"To bring him." Y/N said, gesturing to Ozpin.

"Him? It's just a guy who helped us." said Glynda, trying to lie.

"Drop the act Glynda. Besides, he can cover for himself. Right...Ozzy?" Y/N said with a maniacal smile.

"I know it's you Ozpin. Stealing the power of Salem has benefits. Vast knowledge is one. I know everything about you now. You have quite the origin story." Y/N said pointing at Ozpin and laughing quietly.

"They don't need to know." said Ozpin as he leaned forward. I furrowed my brows.

"Anyway, I wanted to rub in my victory over you sad bastards by explaining my evil plan." Y/N explained.

"What if we escape?" Blake asked.

"You won't. I'll be too busy monologuing and you'll be too busy being executed." Y/N said as I felt a blade to my throat. I glanced over to see everyone else had swords to their throats.

"Eh eh. She's mine." said Y/N as he winked at Glynda. She looked down and blushed. How could she blush right now?

"To start off my evil plan, I thought to myself. What if Grimm were more human? So I decided to make that dream a reality." said Y/N as he gestured to a door. The door was thrown open to reveal a soldier whose muscles were larger and his veins seemed to explode from his arms. He had a savage look on his face as he growled loudly.

"Behold! Experiment HJ-7!" Y/N announced. My eyes widened as I feasted my eyes upon this beast of a man.

"What have you done to him?" Blake asked.

"I have given him a purpose. A mission." Y/N said. The monster growled and pounded his chest.

"And behind door number 2..." Y/N said, gesturing to another door. A inhuman sound echoed through the room. The door creaked open as 3 soldiers with cattle prods shocked a man. The man didn't seem to be alive. His eyes glowed yellow and his his flesh seemed to be peeling away. Blood covered his face and seeped from his mouth. It roared and snarled at the soldiers.

"God help us all..." said Ozpin.

"My Valeska's! Aren't they beautiful?" Y/N asked us.

"They're hideous!" said Yang.

"Guess I'll kill you first." said Y/N as he hopped down to eye level.

"And last but certainly not least." said Y/N as he pointed to the large glass pane window. Outside, was some kind of rocket. Around it were Bullheads outfitted with better engines and strange panels.

"Why conquer Remnant when you can have more?" asked Y/N, gesturing to the night sky.

"What?! Impossible!" exclaimed Glynda.

"Nothing is impossible. Merely complicated." Y/N said.

"You won't win." I said.

"Already did. Now, shush." Y/N said.

"You will fail." Said Yang.

"And how can you stop me?" asked Y/N as he leaned in to her face.

"It won't be us." I said.

"What?" Y/N asked, furrowing his brows.

"My Lord, enemy vessels entering our airspace!" cried a soldier from a console. Y/N stood up and looked out the window. I dare say, the entire Atlas fleet descending from the clouds. Y/N looked around as the Atlas ships opened fired and destroyed small barracks. Explosions sounded quietly. Y/N turned to his soldiers and a look of anger flooded his face.

"ARE WE BLIND?!?! DEPLOY THE GARRISON!!!! MOVE!!!" Y/N screamed and bellowed at his soldiers. They scrambled around the control center.

I saw my chance and drew my spare bobby pin. I unlocked my handcuffs as quietly as I could. I heard the soft click of the cuffs. I stomped hard on the soldier behind me's foot. He let out a yelp as I gave him a harsh head-butt to the face. A soldier turned around and drew his gun but I kicked Crescent Rose up off the ground from the unconscious soldier and slashed him across the chest.

I quickly undid my team's handcuffs and the rest of my friends.

"Thank you Miss Rose." said Ozpin as he drew his extendable cane. I looked at Y/N and dashed forward. He turned around and blocked my attack with his sword which now had been decorated a glowing red and silver hilt.

"You're as clumsy as you are stupid." said Y/N as he shoved me back.

"Avengers...assemble." I said as my team grouped up behind me. Y/N aimed his sword at me before dashing forward. Behind him were Cinder, Neo, Roman, Tyrian, Watts and Hazel.

"This is where the fun begins."

Darkness Over Remnant-Male Reader X RWBY (Sequel To King Of The Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now