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Ruby's POV

Me and my team held this standoff for about 3 minutes as me and Y/N looked into each other's eyes intently. Finally, Y/N dashed at me. I was quick to block his attack and smacked him away.

"You've gotten better Ruby." he said with a sinister smile. I narrowed my eyes before taking a large swing at him. He blocked it and got closer to my face.

"But not good enough." He said evilly.

"Back off creep!" cried Yang as she landed a punch right in his gut. He flew back and collapsed into his throne. He stood up and cracked his neck loudly.

"Kill them! NO SURVIVORS!!" he ordered his soldiers. A group of them ran outside to join in the fight against Atlas while the rest began opening fire on our team. Glynda summoned a bubble, shielding us from most of the bullets. When they stopped to reload, Coco drew her minigun and unloaded on them. They began to be riddled with bullets and some tried to take cover but it proved worthless against the onslaught.

Before Coco could reload, Doctor Watts swooped down with his massive wings and picked her up off the ground.

"COCO!" cried Velvet.

"Do you like to fly? Hahaha!!" cried Watts as he ascended higher and higher. Coco was quick to action, drawing a switchblade and stabbing his leg. He let out a cry of agony as he dropped her. Coco fell toward the ground faster and faster.

"I got you Coco!" cried Velvet as she dived and caught Coco in her arms.

"Thanks Vel." said Coco as she hopped out of her arms. I looked back at Y/N just in time to see him lunge towards me. Me, Blake and Weiss blocked his attack with our swords.

"Remnant is mine! You'll either join me or suffer with the citizens of Remnant!" he asked.

"NEITHER!" we said in unison as I kicked him in the leg and delivered a swift uppercut to his chin. Blake did a twirl kick and hit him across the face. Weiss did a running-charged kick and landing it square in his chest. He slid back a couple feet, gripping his lungs.

"Then you have chosen...death. I was going to make your deaths quick and painless but now you've really pissed me off. I will make you and your families deaths nice and slow." he hissed.

"Think again." said Yang as she punched him in the side. He wheezed but blocked the second punch. He up-heel kicked her in the chin, knocking her back to us. Blake reacted by dashing to the side, back and forth, before appearing next to Y/N and slashing him. He stumbled a little but backhanded her back and slashed her a couple times. She stumbled too before he sparta-kicked her back. Me and Weiss nodded at each other before preparing our weapons.

"Weiss, are you still an annoying, bitchy brat or are you a REAL huntress?" Y/N asked with a bloody grin as blood seeped through his teeth.

"Time to find out..." Weiss breathed quietly before I ran in a large circle right while Weiss went to the left. Y/N let out a throaty laugh before running to Weiss. She and him collided weapons before I began to sneak up on him. He glanced at me for a second before summoning a second sword from thin air and blocked my scythe.

"I've picked up a few things since the last time we fought." Y/N said with a vile smile. He kicked me back and slashed Weiss across the chest, causing her to lose some of her aura and stumble.

"Is that the best you can do?" He asked, throwing his arms out as if he was performing for us.

"Nope." I said as I dashed towards him. He looked at me and smirked before pointing at me. Then a frail and small man in white clothes with a ginormous stinger and claw arms and giant scorpion legs jumped in front of him.

Darkness Over Remnant-Male Reader X RWBY (Sequel To King Of The Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now