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Ruby's POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I glanced out the window to see night sky that seemed to go on forever. I laid back in my seat and looked out the front of the ship to see a small sign of land.

"How much longer to Mistrial?" Asked Goodwitch from the front of the vessel, her hands gliding over her tablet.

"About two hours ma'am." Said James. She nodded and looked back down. I stood up from my seat and walked towards the back of the ship. I needed some air. I opened the back door and stepped out onto the balcony on the back of the vessel. I walked forward and leaned on the railing.

I sighed and looked down at the ground below. So much can change over the course of a couple months. Someone you thought you could trust can become a megalomaniac who only wants to kill everyone you love. Who knew.

"Needed some time to think too?" Said a voice. I turned slightly to see Velvet, her left arm griping her right arm.

"Yeah." I said. She nodded. She walked next to me and leaned on the railing as well.

"What were you thinking about?" Asked Velvet. I sighed again.

"Y/N." I replied. She sighed lightly and looked forward.

"I was thinking about him too." She said. I looked up at her in surprise.

"Why?" I asked.

"He was probably the nicest human ever, especially to me. Aside from you guys." She explained. I nodded.

"And then he played us like a fucking flute." She muttered abruptly. My eyes widened at the sudden use of vulgar words coming from Vel's mouth.

"Yeah." I said quietly. She groaned a little and grabbed the railing, her fists turning white.

"We have to be able to look on from that." I said, griping Velvet's arm. Her grip on the railing loosened.

"How?" She asked.

"We have to look forward to see that we can stop him from hurting anyone else and he'll pay for what he has done to you. To all of us." I replied. She sighed before looking at me and enveloping me in a hug.

"Thanks Rubes. I needed that." She said. I patted her back and she took a step away.

"Thank you." She said before walking back onto the ship. I smiled at her as she waltzed away. I looked back at the endless abyss of black of the night sky. My smile faltered before I turned and stepped back through the door and into the quarters. I sat back in my seat and curled up next to Weiss. Just one more nap.


I climbed onto the Bullhead and sat at one of the seats. Neo and Roman followed. They sat just across from me.

"So what exactly are we doing?" Asked Roman.

"All will be revealed my friend." I answered. Roman sighed and leaned back in his seat. Neo just licked at her scoop of ice cream on her cone. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I leaned into my seat. I summoned a portal in front of the ship to teleport us quickly outside of Mistrial airspace.

The transport shook lightly during the sudden trip but the sky soon turned from blood red to blue. I smiled and looked out the window to see the city just ahead of us. My eyes wandered before I saw them. Team RWBY. They flew on the left side of us. My old friends sitting in a ship flying to Mistrial. I stared lonely at them, especially Glynda. I smiled to see she was still looking for me. She really does miss me.

I leaned in my seat as the ship descended down the airfield. As the landing gears hissed, I opened the door and stepped out. The cultist flying the Bullhead began to fly away as Neo and Roman joined me. I gestured for them to follow me. They did. We walked down the side walks before we reached our destination. It was a science facility with a floor of bedrooms and it had a dozen floors. Across from it was an apartment complex.

I exhaled before stepping through the main doors, flanked by Neo and Roman. As we walked inside, a group of security guards stood inside the elevators.

"Stop, I need to see your papers." Said the front guard.

"Neo, would you kindly?" I asked. Neo nodded before drawing her blade and slicing cleanly across their necks. They stood for a second before their heads slid off their shoulders and fell to the ground.

"Thank you dearie." I said before stepping into the now bloody elevator, followed by Neo and Roman. I pressed 10 and stood back as music played quietly in the background. The elevator beeped and opened. I then walked to the floor's receptionist desk as a woman in a pencil skirt sat with a computer and typed away.

"Yeah hi, I'm here to see Xander Wilde and no." I said as I drew a shotgun and held it on my shoulder.

"I don't have an appointment." I finished with a smile. She nodded before pointing to a set of stairs.

"Thank you." I said as I walked towards the stairs. The receptionist quickly dashed to the elevator.

"Don't bother going to security! They're all...!" I started before her scream echoed.

"Headless. Yeah." I finished as I strutted up the stairs. Once I reached the top, I gestured for Neo and Roman to stand guard. They nodded and flanked the door of an meeting room. I stepped inside the room to see a group of suited men and women at a table. A desk sat behind them.

I leaned against the desk and glanced at all the flasks and other expensive looking items on the table. I cocked my shotgun and the people quickly looked up at me.

"Don't get up. I won't waste too much of your time." I said as I knocked over a flask and shattering it on the ground.

"I've got a proposition. You answer my questions and you don't get turned inside out." I said.

"Please, just don't hurt anyone." Begged a man.

"Where is Xander Wilde?" I asked. There was silence.

"He's never stepped foot in his office." Said the man from before.

"Okay." I said as I blindly fired at a man that was sitting across from me. He flew out of his chair and smacked against the glass.

"Okay, okay! We've only ever communicated through a proxy!" The man pleaded.

"Hehehe. That slimy little sucker things he can get away from me." I said as I wrapped my hand around the man's tie and tightening it.

"Where is the proxy?" I asked.

"14th and Weston!" The man said. I smiled.

"Thank you for your cooperation." I said before shooting the man square in the chest with my shotgun.

"You can all leave now." I announced to the rest of the people in the room. They all quickly scrambled out the door, screaming like their lives were depending on it. And technically they were.

"Alright boys. let's pack it up. We're taking this show on the road!" I said to Neo and Roman. They nodded and we ventured outdoors.

I needed Dr. Wilde. Immensely...

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