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Ruby's POV

I woke to the sound of a slam. I sat up and glanced around the room. I looked over to see Blake getting up as well.

"What was that?" She asked.

"I dunno. I'll check." I said as I swung my legs over the bed and got up. As my hand hovered over the knob to enter the hallway, a large spray of gunshots filled my ears.

"Oh god!" I cried as I dived behind my bed. Blake also hid behind the bed.

"I got Crescent." Said Blake as she handed me a sheathed Crescent Rose.

"Thanks." I said as she loaded a clip into Gambol Shroud and I drew Crescent Rose.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded. I stood up and walked to the door, Blake right behind me. As soon as I got close, the door swung open to reveal Jaune, Pyrrha and Miss Goodwitch. They walked inside and slammed the door.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We're under attack." Said Goodwitch as she and Pyrrha barricaded the door.

"Where's Yatsuhashi and Fox?" Blake asked.

"Dead." Said Jaune as he spread out some blueprints on our table. I clutched my heart and gasped.

"Dead?" Asked Blake.

"Yes, and we will be soon if we don't get outta here." Jaune said. Miss Goodwitch and Pyrrha finished the barricades and walked over to the table with me and Blake.

"Who are we up against?" I asked.

"Don't know. I just got a glimpse but they were wearing clown masks." She said.

"Creepy." Blake said.

"What's the plan?" Asked Jaune. Miss Goodwitch sighed and looked at the blueprints.

"It says there is a fire escape right outside this window so we should make our way down and back to the ship." Instructed Goodwitch. We all nodded.

"Alright then. Let's move, double time." She said. We immediately grabbed our gear and opened the window. I looked down to see a old and rusted fire escape below me.

"Here go's nothing." I said as I swung my legs over the window sill and began to climb down the ladder. Once I reached the bottom, Jaune followed. Soon, everyone was down and waiting.

"Back to the ship." Said Goodwitch as she began to run to the airfield.

"There they are!! Get em!!" Cried a voice.

"The boss wants them alive!!!" Cried another. I turned to see 4 men in suits chasing us wearing clown masks and carrying guns. They even had surgical gloves on.

"It's Nathan and his gang!" I said to Pyrrha.

"We never should have trusted a criminal." She said back. We continued to run as bullets wizzed by our heads. I soon spotted James walking out of the ship on the airfield.

"Guys what is?" Asked James.

"No time! Start the ship!!!" Ordered Goodwitch. He hopped on the ship and began to start the engine. Me and everyone hopped on the ship.

"We're safe now. Let's get outta here." Said Jaune with a puff as he shut the door. I looked outside to see the criminals standing with their arms crossed, as if they were waiting for something.

"Not...so...fast." Said James cryptically. I looked at him to see he had drawn a gun and was aiming it at Pyrrha.

"James what are you doing?" I asked.

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