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Ruby's POV

I sat up from my bed and stretched a bit before standing up and doing my morning business. I changed into my outfit and walked outside. Everyone was already up, even Weiss before me which was surprising.

Glynda began to walk to the elevator only for a group of men with trays and carts full of food. The pushed them into the middle of the hallway and began walking back to the elevator.

"Bon appétit." Said Houston as he followed the chefs down the elevator. We all sat in silence while Glynda and Qrow examined the food.

"It could be poisoned." Pointed out Glynda. Qrow itched his chin.

"Or worse..." Qrow said. Then you could hear loud munching from the corner of the room. We turned to see Nora holding a plate full of pancakes from the carts.

"What?" She asked, completely oblivious to what Qrow and Glynda were talking about it.

"Looks safe to me." Said Yang as she grabbed a bagel and took a bite. We sat for a few seconds before everyone started to grab plates and utensils and start to pile up food on their plates. We all began to eat our meals with small talk here and there, but mostly silence. Glynda was the most quiet, sitting in her room and eating alone.

I kinda felt bad for her. After we finished eating and Glynda came out of her room, her eyes red from crying even though she tried to hide it, I could tell. We packed our suitcases and things and made our way back down to the lobby. We checked out of our room and headed back to the ship.

When we got there, James was leaning against the ship and smoking a cigarette. He was looking at something to his right so I turned to see what it was. Dozens of cops and police cars littered a graveyard as they moved around the graveyard.

We walked up to the ship and loaded in our stuff into the cargo hold. I wanted to find out why there were so many cops at the graveyard so I decided to ask James. After I loaded my suitcase I turned to him.

"Hey James?" I asked. He turned to me as he loaded another suitcase.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Why are there so many cops over there?" I asked. He sighed.

"Well, the thing is that all the bodies in the graveyard...are gone. Someone dug them up." He said. I gasped.

"Why would someone do that?" I thought out loud.

"I dunno, but ALL the bodies are missing and the valuables are still there. It's the same in Vale and Vacuo. Mistrial got hit too." James said.

"Oh my god..." I said.

"Yeah, the police deduct that over 19.7 million bodies have gone missing." James explained. I looked at my shoes before stepping into the the ship.

"Welcome to Air Hoxton, I hope you enjoy your flight. Please keep all appendages inside the ride at all time." James said through his radio. We all laid back in our seats and decided to get some rest.

"Next stop, Mistrial."


I sat at my throne and sighed. Business had been slow and my enemies were moving even slower.

I growled lowly and stood up. I walked down the stairs and into the hallway. I trudged down the hallway and into the lab.

There, Alexei was typing things on a tablet and overlooking the "subjects". I strolled up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my chin on his head.

"How goes the procedure?" I asked. He shivered.

"Fine sire. Our troops are reacting well to the fusions." He stuttered. I pursed my lips before walking past him to the window to overlook the lab.

"Does the serum work correctly on the other experiments?" I asked cryptically. He nodded.

"Yes. Everything is prepared once their finished." Alexei replied.

"Good. You can take the next week off." I said. His eyes widened.

"But sire, the experiments..." He started.

"I can finish. You need rest." I cut in. He nods happily.

"Thank you sire." He said before setting down the tablet on a desk and walking out of the lab. I chuckled lightly before turning to face the lab once again.

"Soon my children. Soon..." I thought out loud before also walking out of the lab. I entered my room and sat down on my bed. I rubbed my head on the spot where I shot myself all those years ago. Oh times, they are a changin.


Everything was white. I had shot myself in the hunters house after my parents were massacred by Grimm. I decided to try and take the easy way out. I felt this was the end.

But, I woke up. I squinted as a bright light shined in my eyes. I groaned as I sat up. I looked around the room to see I was on a couch. There was a table next to me covered in surgical equipment and books. I threw my legs over the side and my feet hit the hardwood floor.

I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen and I turned to see a man with jeans, a white t-shirt and sneakers.

"You're finally awake." He said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You shot yourself. I found you at my fathers house." He explained. I reached up and touched where I shot myself to find it was all patched up.

"How am I alive?" I asked.

"Well, I have a spell book. It's been in my family for generations. It gives a recipe for a serum that can revive the dead." He said. I nodded.

"Would you like some tea?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied. He smiled and turned to walk back into the kitchen.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Ryan. Yours?" He replied.

"Y/N." I said. I looked over at the table to see all the surgical equipment and see a long piece of fiber wire along with it. I grabbed it and stalked quietly to the kitchen. I had to get that spellbook. I had to get my parents back.

"How do you like your tea?" He asked, standing over the sink.

"Mint." I said. He opened a cabinet and began mixing the ingredients for the tea. I walked up quietly before jumping up and wrapping the fiber wire around his neck. He dropped a teacup in surprise causing it to shatter on the floor.

He gagged and choked as I pulled harder on the wire. He looked up at me as the life drained from his eyes. I then tugged hard causing a cut to be left across his neck. Blood seeped from the new cut. I retrieved the spell book from his pocket and held it in my hands.

I put it in my pocket before exploring the house. I changed into his clothes and grabbed extra clothes and packed them into a bag. I threw the bag over my shoulder. I walked back into the kitchen and turned the oven on all the way. I looked at the table again to see some red explosive dust.

I grabbed it and threw it into the oven. I turned and left the kitchen and out the door. I began my trek down the hill as a loud explosion behind me signaled that the dust did its job. I looked behind me to see the house engulfed in flames.

Now I was on my own...good

Flashback over

I removed my hand from the wound and laid down. In a couple days me, Neo and Roman would leave for Mistrial to regroup with some old friends. All the pieces were falling into place...perfect

Darkness Over Remnant-Male Reader X RWBY (Sequel To King Of The Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now