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Ruby's POV

Me and my team had sat for about 4 hours before a knock erupted at the door. Weiss stood up and opened it to reveal Glynda.

"I need Weiss and Yang. We're going after Mr. Gregori." She said. Weiss nodded and grabbed her sword while Yang loaded her gauntlets.

"Be careful guys." I said.

"We will." Said Weiss, with a look. I knew that look. It means it was a promise. I nodded firmly at her.

"Who else are you taking?" I asked. Glynda looked at me.

"Qrow will lead Weiss, Yang, Nora, Velvet and Coco to see Alexei. The rest of you will stay here with me." She replied. I nodded. Glynda then turned and led the two outside. They closed the door lightly behind them. I sat back in the bed.

I looked over to see Blake had already picked up a book and was reading it. I sighed and stood up before leaving the room. I walked down the hall and walked out onto a balcony. The night was beautiful as always with the moon perfectly encapsulating the sky. I leaned on the railing and glanced around. Mistrial sure was pretty.

"Hey Rubes." Said a voice. I turned to see Jaune and Pyrrha there.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Whatcha doin'?" Asked Jaune.

"Just thinking." I answered.

"About what?" Asked Pyrrha, placing her hand on my hand. I sighed before speaking.

"Y/N." I said. Pyrrha nodded while Jaune gritted his teeth.

"That bastard. He's gonna hang for what he did." Said Jaune. Pyrrha sighed.

"I think we should give him a second chance." Pyrrha said. I furrowed my brows while Jaune growled.

"After everything he's done? To you? To us?! And you think he deserves another chance." Jaune said.

"Everyone has a chance at redemption. Besides, he clearly had good left in him. He just needs to find his way through the lies that cloud his mind." She said. I said nothing. She was right. Every single one of us in this team had been given a second chance. Why not Y/N?

"Fine, if you want to try and save someone who's already lost, go ahead. I won't stop you." Said Jaune before turning and leaving the balcony. Pyrrha sighed.

"He's been like this ever since Beacon. He still hates Y/N after the tower." Pyrrha said. I nodded.

"I can't blame him. You could've died." I said.

"But I didn't. Y/N risked his life for me. Saved me. I am in debt. I think to repay his generosity, we should try to bring him back." She said. I nodded.

"Poetic." I said with a smirk. She smiled.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." I said. She nodded.

"Where did Qrow and everyone else go?" I asked. She glanced to the street and shrugged.

"Downtown. Should be arriving at Alexei's apartment now. Why?" She replied.

"Just wondering." I said. She patted my back and left. I smiled before looking out to the city. I noticed a black and orange van pull up with an orange bombshell on the side on the side of the street. I furrowed my brows at the strange van but looked back at the sky. I sat up and walked back inside my room. I looked to see Blake asleep with the book she was reading over her face. I picked up the book and slipped in a bookmark.

I then placed the book next to her on a nearby desk. I then curled up on the other bed and closed my eyes. Today had been a very long day.


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