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Ruby's POV

We sat for about 2 hours in silence. I glanced around to see my team mope and have a look of sadness on their faces.

"Guys, there's still hope." I said.

"Like what? Qrow is in the hospital, James was a traitor, Fox and Yatsuhashi are dead. What is there to hope for?" Said Yang.

"We just have to believe." Said Weiss who sat next to me. Yang sighed and went back to staring at the floor.

"We will get out of this y'know?" whispered Weiss, leaning to me.

"I know." I replied. She smiled and I smiled back. I then leaned in and hugged her tightly.

"Thanks for always being their for me." I said. She chuckled quietly and hugged me back.

"Always." She said. We stayed there for about two minutes before we finally parted. One of the guards walked over and leaned into the bars.

"Quiet. Or I'll make you quiet." He said. I replied with only with a dirty look. He scoffed and went back to his post. The guard by the box glanced over at me and smiled. I gave him a confused look before he winked at me and began to strut over to the other guard.

"What are you doing? Back to your post!" Said the first guard. The one that winked at me then reached over and grabbed a metal pipe before hitting the other guard over the head. The guard crumbled to the ground as the keys hit the floor with a pang sound.

"What the hell?" Asked Glynda as she stood up from her seat. The guard that winked picked up the keys and unlocked the cells. He pulled the door open and walked in.

"It's great to see you again Glynda. Miss Rose." Said the guard. I furrowed my brows and tilted my head. So did everyone else.

"Ozpin?" Asked Glynda.

"Hello there." He said. We all gasped and stood up.

"How are you? Why?" Asked Glynda.

"I don't have enough time but the truth is I am able to reincarnate into new bodies. I have been working for Salem so I could get the drop on her but plans changed." He explained, unlocking our cuffs.

"Ozpin!" Cried Nora as she clung onto Ozpin's side. We all soon joined in on the group hug.

"We missed you." Said Blake quietly.

"The feeling is mutual." Said Ozpin. We soon parted from the hug.

"Now, we need to get you outta here." Said Ozpin as he walked over to the box and opened it. He then took out the safe and unlocked it. He drew our weapons and tossed them to us.

"Lock and load." He said as he loaded his pistol. We all loaded our guns and sharpened our swords.

"Ready?" He said. I nodded and so did everyone else.

"Good, before we engage Y/N, we should radio for back up. We need to find the communication center and radio the Atlas Military." Said Ozpin.

"But what about Ironwood? He won't believe a bunch of kids." Said Jaune.

"You're right. But he'll answer to me." Ozpin said. He walked up the stairs and crept up as we followed closely behind him. We cracked a door open slightly to peer outside. We saw 2 guards on patrol and marching down a hallway.

"If the blueprints I looked over are correct, the radio center is this way. Follow me, but keep it quiet." Oz said. I nodded as he crouch walked down a walkway that lead into courtyard. We followed him in a huddle. He looked around before gesturing us to follow him down and through a door that went up to a floor. We heard some noises coming from a room with the door hanging open.

"There it is." Whispered Ozpin. He crept to the side of the door and peered inside. I was on the opposite side and looked in as well. A large piece of tech sat on a table with a microphone connected to it. A guard sat in the chair and spoke into the radio while switching frequencies constantly. Ozpin held his finger to his mouth to tell me to be quiet. I tightened my lips shut.

He tip toed behind the guard as he continued to mess with the radio. Ozpin slowly took out a switchblade. He crept closer as the guard stayed oblivious to Ozpin's presence. Ozpin opened the switchblade with a click. The guard turned around before quickly jumping to a red button and slamming his hand on it. Ozpin reacted by throwing the knife into his back. A loud alarm blared through the halls and into the sky of the dark realm.

"Shit! Cover me!" Said Ozpin. He dived into the seat and started changing frequencies. Me and the team gathered in the room.

"This is not good." Said Jaune.

"No shit." Said Yang as she loaded her gauntlets.

"Broadsword calling Danny-Boy!" Said Ozpin into the radio.

"Broadsword calling Danny-Boy!!" He said to the radio.

"We got company!" Said Coco as she unlocked her mini gun. Dozens of guards soon appeared jogging down the hallway, rifles drawn.

"There they are!" Cried a soldier.

"Fire! Fire!" A captain said as he began to fire upon us. The rest soon followed.

"Hurry up!!" Said Velvet, narrowly dodging a bullet and hiding behind the door.

"This is Broadsword calling Danny-Boy!!! Is anybody out there?!" Said Ozpin again, panic in his voice.

"Ozpin?" Asked a voice. Ozpin let out a relieved laugh.

"James. Thank god." Said Ozpin.

"You're alive! How?" Asked Ironwood.

"No time. I need you to send your entire fleet to my coordinates." Requested Ozpin. A large spray of machine gun fire littered the air as the bullets struck the door. Coco and Blake returned fire.

"Is that gunfire?" Asked Ironwood.

"Yes." Said Ozpin without thought.

"What's going on over there?" Asked Ironwood.

"James listen to me. Y/N has raised an army of unimaginable size. He's going to unleash it on the world and we need you here more than ever." Ozpin explained.

"Y/N's alive? I'll assemble my forces immediately. Hold out until then." Said Ironwood. Ozpin made a sound of acknowledgement.

"See you then James." Said Ozpin.

"It's good to have you back Ozpin." Said Ironwood.

"Good to be back. Over and out." Said Ozpin. He then hung up the microphone.

"How long should we hold out?" I asked.

"Long enough."

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