Chapter Nine

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I groaned pulling the covers over my head to block out that annoying sound of a phone. It suddenly stopped vibrating as I fell into a deep sleep, well that was what I was hoping for.

"Time to get up!" Matthew yelled as he started hitting me with a pillow that felt like it weighed a ton.

"My god." I sat up rubbing my head while Monica giggled while recording.

Then mom burst threw the doors,"Sam honey? Time to get up, it's breakfast time."

"Ok, let me shower first." I stood up an started to get my clothes out.

"Hurry up, darling." She said then closed the door. I glanced at Matthew silently telling him to leave.

He raised his hands defensively,"Ok, ok but why she get to stay?" He asked pointing at Monica.

"Because I'm her bestfriend." Monica answered for me. He groaned then walked out the door causing me and her to giggle.

I walked into the bathroom turning on the shower as I heard music playing from my speakers.

"You have a nice body." She said eyeing my stomach.

I chuckled,"For you not to be gay you sure don't mind looking."

She shrugged an threw me the clothes,"Hurry up, I'm going downstairs."

I nodded an pulled down my pants just as she walked out the door.


"Sam, come on before the food get cold." Mother rushed me when I walked into the living room.

When we walked into the kitchen, all of us sat down exactly like last night except the dinner table is an oval. As mom finished praying we started to dig in. Matthew phone started to ring again.

"Just answer it." I told him while drinking my orange juice.

He disagreed,"No, it's my sister wanting me to babysit."

I chuckled then his phone started to ring again. He groaned and stood up to go answer it. Ten minutes later he came back looking sad as ever.

"I got to go, 'duty' calls." He said rubbing his hair.

Monica stood up, "Your my ride." I continued eating while they walked upstairs to get their belongings.

"Sam, see your friends out." Mom scold me. I stood up just as Monica was coming downstairs.

"I wish you can stay longer." I smiled causing her to get a little red in the cheeks.

"Me too, see ya bestfriend." She hugged me for a good minute.

"Bye." She was out the door getting into the car with Matthew.

I sigh running my hand threw my hair. When I walked back into the kitchen mom was washing dishes.

"I got it, go lay down." I said shooing her away.

She nodded an stepped back,"Do you have work tonight?"

I nodded as she left the kitchen. When the doctor did enter I was done an heading into my bedroom to watch some tv. I laid across the bed an turned on the tv.

I pulled her into me with her laying on top.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as she positioned herself on my center.

She shook her head then laid on my chest as she started to watch tv. I put my hands under her shirt an started to rub her back up and down. We watched The Boondocks in complete silence. When the show when off I then realized she was asleep.

The Doctor (Book 1) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now