Chapter Thirty-Three

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I groaned as my alarm went off. The kids was already with my mom so it was just Malissa and I.  She stood up and walked into the bathroom leaving me alone in the dark. Not that I was complaining.

"Get up." I heard from the bathroom.

I slightly walked to the other bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth. Staring at myself from the mirror, I wondered 'Would it be different it I would've stayed with Jane?' I shook my head at that terrible thought.

Of course it would be different. Jane was a young and attractive girl, but Malissa is a woman. A woman with my two handsome boys. Although it's still something missing. I don't know what it could be, I have a wife, children, and a booming business. What more could I ask for?

Maybe I.....

Maybe I need some time to process it. Alone. But not today, not on the day that Malissas excited for.

I walked out the bathroom running into her.

"Come on." I told her going downstairs.

She followed closely behind as I grabbed my phone off the counter. We walked in silence to my truck and got in.

"So where are we going?" She asked as I connected my phone to the radio.

I shrugged,"I don't know yet."

She looked at me weirdly and nodded,"Your a bad liar but okay."

"You can go to sleep, it's quite a drive." I said pulling out of the driveway.


I looked around at the snow on the ground as I drove. It was currently 2:00 p.m. I was beyond tired but I will sleep when I arrive.

Malissa groaned,"Who knew a date could take so long?"

My phone vibrated making the message show upon the radio.

'hurry an get back here already, I miss you xoxo' from Monica

I read the message and cleared it off the radio. Malissa sighed as I finally pulled into the driveway of the house I rented for the weekend. I quickly got out and stretched.

Grabbing the bags, I rolled my eyes at how much stuff Malissa had to bring. I unlocked the door to the house and immediately took all the bags to the room.

I sighed and laid across the bed.

"Sam get up." Malissa said behind me.

"Let me sleep." I turned away from her.

Malissa POV

I walked around the cabin or house to explore more of it and to let Sam sleep. Sitting down on the couch, I turned on the television. I stood back up going into the kitchen to find something to drink and cook for dinner later on.

I glanced towards the back door and noticed a pair of boots with mud on it. Hmm, the last family must've left them.

I smiled thinking about Mason and Josiah. I love those boys so much. Pulling out my phone, I FaceTimed Sarah.

'Hello? Is everything alright?' She asked.

I nodded,'Everything's fine, I just wanted to check on the boys.'

She gave Mason the phone.

'Mom when are you coming back?' He asked with the camera all in his face.

'Monday. Do you miss us already?' I asked him smiling.

He shook his head,'No. Grandma made us cookies! And we had pizza for dinner!'

Sarah instantly grabbed the phone out of Mason hands and smiled nervously.

'Where is Josiah?' I asked the both of them.

Sarah said loudly,"Josiah the phone is for you.'

I heard his almost heavy footsteps get closer,'Is it Bubba?'

'No it's Mom.' Mason answered him.

'Hi Mom.' He put his face into the camera and quickly walked away.

'Well I'm going to talk to you later I have to get started on dinner.' I told Sarah.

We said our farewells and ended the call.



We looked over the waterfall. It was beautiful, just like I remembered. I started to take off my clothes as Malissa looked at me as if I was crazy.

"What are you doing?"

I shrugged,"Skinny dipping."

She grabbed my arm before I could jump,"Are you insane!? It's cold out here you might get sick."

I started to pull off her coat,"Lighten up. Have fun a little."

She was down to her underwear. She grabbed my hand and jumped....

Water surround me as I pushed myself upward. I took a deep breath before I went back under. The last time I came up Malissa was smiling looking around.

"Best date ever Sam."

I nodded and started to float backwards,"This water is so cold."

Malissa rolled her eyes,"Well you did bring us up north."

"I have to tell you something when we make it back home." I said out.

She looked at me suspiciously,"Tell me now."

"It can wait." I said shaking my head.

"Now come, I'm hungry." I said walking out of the stream.


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