Chapter Thirty-Two

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Finishing up with my last patient before lunch, I walked out the room taking off my gloves and coat. Being a doctor is stressful but I wouldn't admit that out loud.

I sigh an called over my shoulder,"I'm going to lunch."

When I got into my car, my phone instantly connected to the radio. I silently drove to the restaurant Sam and I are supposed to be having lunch.


I slide in the booth beside her as she smile,"Did you miss me?"

"It was only seven hours Sam."

"So?" She shrugged.

The waitress cut us off. As we ordered I noticed Sam tense up a few times but I didn't comment. When he walked away I stretched and moved closer to Sam.

She looked me up and down,"I've never seen anyone else scrubs that tight before."

"So you've been watching people with scrubs on." I asked rolling my eyes.

She smacked her lips,"I'm trying to talk nasty."

"It's not working." I giggle laying my head on her shoulder as the lights dim in the restaurant.

She looked at me,"Do you want to go somewhere with me this weekend?"

"What about the kids?"

"My mom will get them." She shrugged.

I smirked,"Are you asking me on date Sam?"

"Well uh if I try to get you to call me daddy, would it still be considered a date?" It was now her time to smirk as I stared.

"No sex for two weeks." I told her.


"What!?" I almost yelled.

Instead I said,"You can't even last that long."

The waitress brought our food to the table,"Let me know if you need anything else."

He winked at Malissa then hurried away.

"For your information I can go that long. I will give you until this weekend." She mocked.

I nodded and started eating my food. I tried to think of a plan that she would easily fall into. Although I didn't have to think hard because like I said before, Malissa was a woman who liked sex. But would never admit that out loud.


"I had a good time." She said as she opened her car door.

I smiled,"Me too, so give me a kiss so I can get back too work."

She leaned in an gave me a peck on the lips,"We're going to keep it at that, don't want you to get excited in this parking lot."

I groaned inside but went along with it,"If you say so."

She looked behind me and rolled her eyes. I followed where she was looking and seen Harley go into the restaurant.

"I still don't like her." She mumbled.

"She said what happened that night wasn't her fault."

Shit. I wasn't going to tell Malissa that I spoke to her privately, now she might think that I'm cheating.

She hissed,"You talked to her?"

"Maybe." I flinched.

"She came to apologize." I continued trying to make the situation better.

She sighed,"Ok Sam. See you at home."

I slightly pushed her against the car and kissed her, hard.

When I pulled away she looked at me weirdly and said,"I love you."

"I love you too."


I sighed and threw my keys on the kitchen table. The house was completely dark and quiet. Shit, I've must've stayed at work too long. Well I did I just didn't know time was going that fast. I walked upstairs into Malissa and I room an noticed she was laying across the bed sleeping.

I took of my clothes and laid down behind her wrapping my arm around her. She shifted slightly but didn't say anything, I sighed in relief and eventually fell asleep.


"Sam." I heard Malissas voice but didn't get up.

She walked away, this time I'm sure because I heard the bathroom door close. My phone started vibrating loudly making me groan.

The bed moved a little as I felt a little head lay on my lower back.


It was Josiah.

I turned over to look him in his face,"What is it?"

"I didn't see you yesterday after I left for school." He said sadly.

I sighed and stretched,"I had to work late."

Malissa walked out the bathroom and stopped,"Josiah give us a minute."

He walked out the room but looked at me before he left.

"What time you make it last night?" She asked.

I stood up and walked passed her into the bathroom,"I don't know, I didn't look at the time."

"It was just a one time thing right?" She asked as I brushed my teeth.

"Yes, I had lost track of time don't worry baby." I said kissing her lips.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. She put her arms on my neck and sigh.

"I'm so impatient for our date tomorrow." She whispered.

I smirked,"You just ready for big daddy to pop out."

She started kissing my neck. My member instantly jumped up, I tried to calm down but it was already showing. I put her up on the sink and started grinding against her center.

I pushed her nightgown up a little. She was freshly shaven making me lick my lips.

I looked at her as she looked at me,"You gave in first."

My member went soft as I smirked. I swiped a finger between her legs when she closed her eyes and threw her head back.

I sucked my finger and laughed,"Doesn't look like it."

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