Chapter Twenty-Seven

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3 weeks later

"Oh Sam! He's so handsome!" My mom beamed at Joshua.

Joshua blushed when my mom pulled him into a hug. Vanessa came from behind me with her hand out.

"Hey, I'm Vanessa." She greeted.

I noticed Mom hesitate but shook her hand anyway.

"I'm Sarah." She smiled.

"Come on so you can meet the guests." She continued while pulling Vanessa along.

She lead us into the kitchen as I glanced out the window into the crowd.

"What's with the unplanned party?" I asked over the music that was coming from outside.

She shrugged,"I was bored. Since you be with Vanessa all the time now."

She passed Joshua some food as they sat down but I stayed standing so I could stretch a little.

While Mom and Vanessa talked I leaned down to Joshua,"Hurry up so we can get in the pool."

He nodded an started eating extremely fast making me laugh a little.

He stood up and washed his mouth but frowned,"I don't have any extra clothes."

"Clothes for what?" Vanessa asked.

I shook my head with a smile knowing she would not let him get in.

I motioned for Joshua to follow me,"I got something upstairs."

We walked upstairs to my room when mom took Vanessa outside to introduce her. I rushed threw my closet to get some gym pants then muscle shirt for myself and one of my smaller shirts for Joshua.

I looked at him as he looked out the window,"Take off your pants and shirt to put this one on." 

He did what I said and waited until I got finished. We walked downstairs together and went outside.

"Are you sure we can get in?" He asked as the unknown people stared at us.

I nodded pushed my off the rail into the water. He followed behind silently, I quickly grabbed the floater to put him in it.

As he moved around the pool I watched as others joined us. Vanessa came and sat down in the pool chair behind me.

She looked at me as I smiled.

"Get in."

"No." She said crossing her legs and leaning back.

My mom walked over,"Sam, help me in the kitchen."

I got out the pool then glanced at Vanessa causing her to look away. Weird.

Mom pulled me to the side before we made it to the kitchen,"Are you sleeping with Vanessa?"

I frowned making her raise her hand in surrender.

"I'm sorry I just had to ask. Have you talked to Malissa?" She continued.

I sighed,"No we-"

She cut me off,"Well she's in the kitchen. Go see her."

She pushed me into the kitchen and walked away. I instantly spotted Malissa out. She was drinking a soda while scrolling on her phone. I rushed upstairs to shower and change.

When I walked out the bathroom, into my room she was sitting on my bed. Completely red in the face.

She looked at me as I looked at her, with no word exchanged.

The Doctor (Book 1) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now