Chapter Thirty-Four

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I laid Josiah down in the bed then walked to the master bedroom. Pulling off my jacket, I glanced at Malissa as she walked into the room.

"You've been quiet." She observed sitting down watching me.

"Just tired."

She nodded,"So you've been tired all weekend?"

I didn't answer but I did lay down in the bed,"Go to sleep Malissa."

"We don't ever talk! You always do this! I can't read your mind." She hissed out pushing my shoulder.

"Sometimes, if it wasn't for the kids, I wished wouldn't met you." She said.

Well it seems I'm not the only one feeling like we need a break.

I strained out,"Goodnight."

I continued to lay there. My mind was all over the place that I couldn't sleep. A couple of hours later Malissas alarm went off. She groaned and got out the bed.

I stood up and went to the bathroom downstairs to take a shower. When I finished, I quickly put on some jeans and a random shirt. I went to the kids room to wake them but of course Malissa beat me too it.

"I will take them too school." I said out loud.

Josiah immediately jumped down and followed me to the truck along with Mason.


"You will have to walk Josiah to class." The lady behind the desk told me as Mason went to class.

"Room number 237." She continued.

Josiah lead me out of the office into the hallways of this big building. He stopped at a door with the numbers 237 on top.

He went in as a teacher came out.

"You must be Josiah other parent." He greeted.

I nodded.

"Well that's all I need to know." He said closing the door.

I walked away, as I rounded the corner I slammed directly into someone making all of their papers fall. She reached down to pick them up.

"I'm sorry." I told her while helping pick up the papers. 

When we finished picking up the papers. She stood, took the papers out of my hand and looked at me then kept walking. Weird.

I rushed back to my truck and looked at the time, 8:45 a.m. Well time for work.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Monica asks me as I pull up to the house.

"Yes. You can wait here, I won't be long." 

I got out the truck and walked into the house. It was now lunch time. I've decided that Malissa and I need some time apart. She said it herself last night. I quickly grabbed my overnight bag and put some clothes in it.

My phone vibrated, a text from Monica.

'Code red! She's outside.'

I laughed and continued to pack my shoes as I heard the bedroom door slam open. Even though I didn't look her way I could still feel the glare she put on the side of my face.

"Why are you packing?" She deadpanned.

I shrugged and put my bag on my shoulders,"I'm leaving."

I walked passed her going back outside to put the bag into the truck.

"What do you mean your leaving?" She asked following me.

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