Chapter Twenty-Two

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Weeks later
(Malissa at the top^)


I sighed as I played my game on this early Saturday morning. I was back in my room hiding out from everything. Well not really hiding out, I went downstairs for snacks threw the days. Other than that I've been in this room...playing my game...watching tv...getting on my phone.

"Sam?" My mother called out as she opened my door.

I looked her way waiting for her to continue.

"Malissa's coming over." She said while looking around my room in disgust.


"So get up and clean yourself up. Plus she didn't sound to happy on the phone." She shrugged walking out.

I've been kind of avoiding her since the incident at the club. I stood up an stretched then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

As I stood under the water, with music playing in the background softly, I had come down from being angry a little. My phone made a ding noise as saying I've received a message. I finished myself up in the shower and stepped out to find my phone, only to realize that I left it in my room.


I hurried to put on my clothes and rushed out the bathroom but it was too late.

Or I thought it was.

It was just my mom picking up the snacks paper. Someone, I'm guessing Malissa, knocked on the door making mom rush downstairs. I sat down on my bed watching tv. About Fifteen minutes into the movie, Malissa walked threw the door an slammed it a little.

"You've been ignoring me." She said sitting down on the bed beside me.

I shook my head then glanced down at her stomach which seems to be bigger than last time. I stood up and started to get dressed in better clothes. Malissa watched the entire time not saying anything. Until I put on my shoes.

"Where are you going?" She asked looking me up and down.

"To lunch with my friend." I said mocking her words.

She frowned,"Which one?"

"Do it matter?" I asked annoyed.

"It do." She said standing in front of me.

"Veronica. Are you happy that you got the answer you wanted?"

"No. I am not happy that you are going to lunch with a woman who clearly wants you." She said about to push me until I grabbed her arms.

"She knows I'm in a relationship with you, Malissa." I groaned letting her arms go.

"But do you know that? How would you feel if I go out to lunch with the McDonalds boy?"

I frowned,"I'm older than him."

"You didn't answer me."

"Malissa I'm not trying to have sex with her. I love you and only you." I said pulling her close to me.

"But I'm still going." I continued making her roll her eyes.

After a few seconds of silence she said.

"I'm sorry for being rude the other night."

I stood there with wide eyes, completely shocked that she apologized. I looked at my watch and pulled away from Malissa.

"I have to go." I told her while grabbing my keys.

She pulled me into a kiss. This kiss was different from all the others that we shared. I've never felt feelings threw a kiss before causing me to pull away.

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