Chapter Twenty-Five

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I was watching tv when Malissa came an sat beside me.

"So what did you do the other night?" She asked grabbing my hand.

I rolled my eyes,"For the last time, I was watching tv with Monica."

She nodded,"But you still have to let me drive your car."

"Not today though."

She rolled her eyes,"When?"

I laughed a little,"The second month of the year, Thirty day."

She accepted the answer then laid on my shoulder to watch tv. I looked down at her and pulled her closer, I can get used to this. Well with about three kids running around.

"I love you." She told me.

"I love you more." I said kissing her head.

Her face turned red as I giggled a little. My phone started to ring cutting our moment short.

'Hello?' I answered not looking at the caller I.D.

'Same place from last night, now." Monica voice sounded with a click.

I smiled a little, she takes this a little too serious but whatever.

I stood up an stretched,"I'm about to take a shower."

Malissa nodded,"Your leaving me again?"

"I won't be long this time." I told while walking out the living room.

I quickly got my clothes out, something simple. White tank top, black and white adidas long pants, with nike flip flops. After I finished in the shower I put on my clothes and brushed my hair then put on my glasses.

"You look older." Malissa said making me jump.

I shrugged,"I'm fucking a older woman."

"Fuck you Sam." She said a little to loud for my liking.

I grabbed my keys an started to walk downstairs with her following behind me,"I'm staying with my mom tonight."

She nodded then pulled me in for a kiss,"I love you."

"Same to you." I said pulling away then opening the door.

When I walked out she slammed the door making me laugh a little.

"Hey Sam!" Malissa neighbor yelled from across the yard.

I tried hard to remember of her name as she walked towards me. Think! Think! Think! Shit I don't know.

"I haven't heard from you in a while." She said coming a little close for my liking.

I raised my eyebrows,"You and Malissa neighbors not me and you."

"You don't live with her? I thought you both were a couple? Or she's just your baby mom?" She asked question after question.

I pressed a button on my keychain an started my car making it grumble and Malissa neighbor to jump.

"We are, we're just not living together." I said looking down at her.

She started to touch my breast making me jump back a little,"You have breast and a penis?"

"I've never seen a man or woman with both." She said dumbly.

I looked at my watch,"Well I have to go."

I opened my car door an quickly got in. She started to walk away until Malissa opened her house door, completely red in the face.

I drove away, I didn't want to see or have anything to do with that.

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