Chapter Thirty-One

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"Bubba?" I heard again.

I opened my eyes to see Josiah on top of me. I pushed him off then ran to the bathroom to vomit. Someone held my hair back as I wiped my mouth.

I stood up to brush my teeth and noticed my clothes was changed, and I felt fresh.

"You took a bath last night." Malissa said standing in the door.

I started to brush my teeth,"What happened? I don't remember shit."

"After I left the club the first time, I came back and ran into Monica. She led me upstairs to you and Harley was sitting on your lap. When I heard you groan out stop, I pulled her off of you. Then you stood up and passed out."

What the hell? She was sitting in my lap? I finished brushing my teeth and stretched.

"Well I'm going back to sleep, what time is it?" I asked her walking back into the room.

"6:45 in the morning."

We laid down. Malissa put her arm around me and laid on my chest.

"Goodnight Baby, I love you."

"I love you too."


I felt the bed moving but it wasn't Malissa because she was still wrapped around me. Someone pushed her over then laid in the middle, based on the long hair I'm guessing it was Josiah.

I moved over so he can have enough room and fell asleep again.


"Get up." I heard Malissa voice.

I turned the other way and put the cover over my head. I smirked when she walked out the room, at least that's what I thought until I felt the covers being snatched off of me.

I quickly grabbed her and threw her down on the bed,"Why did you do that?"

She didn't answer me so I started tickling her.

"Stop!" She screamed laughing.

Mason ran into the room, grabbed a pillow, then started hitting me with it,"Get off my Mom!"

Josiah walked into the room and by the time I grabbed Mason, Josiah was on top of Malissa holding her down. Someone started banging on the door making all of us stop.

Josiah got up so Malissa can get up. I pushed her back down and walked downstairs to the door, with the rest of them following behind me.

I opened the door to come faces with Malissas parents, again.

"Why do you keep answering my daughters door? Are you a housekeeper? Maid?" She asked looking me up and down.

I frowned,"None of your f-"

Malissa cut me off,"Come in Mom."

She pushed pass me finally seeing Mason and Josiah,"You have kids!?"

Mason blushed as Josiah came and stood beside me.

She grabbed Mason cheeks,"He's so cute! Both of them."

"Thank you." Mason said smiling.

She looked back at Malissa,"Where's the father?"

"Mom, Sam is the other parent." Malissa answered pointing at me.

She looked between Malissa and I,"How old are you?"

I rolled my eyes,"Grown."

She scoffed,"Could've fooled me. Malissa what were you thinking messing around with this child?"

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