Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"I don't want to watch this Bubba!" Mason cried as the storm poured outside.

Josiah rolled his eyes,"I was watching tv in here first."

"Go watch tv in your room." I told him then stood up to get more candy.

A heavy storm was currently going on outside of my mother's house making all the lights jump from time to time. My mom came threw the door with two big bags of groceries.

I went to her and took one of them,"I can get one."

"Maybe you should call Malissa over, it's getting worst out there and she doesn't needs to be alone." She suggested.

She continued,"Your at my house she's not going to find out where you live."

"She's at work."

As we walked into the kitchen she looked at me,"She's been working a lot lately."

"Apparently you two don't communicate as much with each other, I talked to Malissa on my way home, she's coming over now as we speak."

I frowned,"Then why did you tell me to call her?"

Someone, I'm guessing Malissa, knocked on the door making Mom rush towards it. I sat down on the couch beside Josiah. The tv jumped to the news station.

'Take shelter now! This isn't like anything we've seen before. Don't go outside the wind is up to 70 mph. What's that Jim? Reports just came back that it's hailing out. Some people are already without po-."

He was cut short because the lights went out. Shit. My mom and Malissa walked into the living room and sat close together with anyone saying a thing.

Until my mom asked,"Where is Mason?"

I stood up,"I will get him."

I walked upstairs to Masons room and seen him fast asleep on the bed. That guy can sleep threw anything. I turned to leave but stopped I heard movement coming from the closet. On scary movies you never suppose to go to the closet.

Although this isn't a scary movie, I went towards it anyway. I opened the door and didn't see anything, but when I turned around a man with a bony mask was looking at me. He picked his hand up but I could attack and hit me on the head knocking me completely out.


I groaned and opened my eyes a little. It was three bulky men standing over me with masks and dark clothing. The fuck is this? I hope not no demon type shit.

They started talking in another language making me laugh for a reason I don't know.

"Where the fuck is my family?" I asked them.

The one in the middle stepped closer and hit me a crossed the face making blood come out. I tried to hit back but my hands was tied up. Thunder from outside was getting worst from before I got knocked out, the first time.

Two of the men walked off,"We have to wait until morning, we will never make it in a storm like this."

"The queen expects us immediately!" The other one hissed.

"Queen? What queen? Untie me from the damn ropes!" I screamed.

The man standing over me quickly pulled out a sword making me shut up instantly. He put it away then hit me across the face again knocking me out cold.


Unknown POV

"Stop hitting her! The queen doesn't want anything to be wrong with her!"

He shrugged,"She's old cold now. We can get some rest so we can leave in the morning."

"What about the Family?"

..."Kill them."

Authors Note: Ok this was a short chapter I get it. Only because this is the last one but don't worry, I'm working on a sequel but the sequel will be very very different from this book. Wait that didn't sound right. How about this, it has the same characters the only thing is after the major storm in this book everything changes for the good and for the worst.

Thank you


Are you #teamSam or #teamMalissa ?
Tbh, I'm teamSam. She seems like a cool person to hang with.

 She seems like a cool person to hang with

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