Chapter Thirty-Five

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Between the banging and the sun shining threw the windows I didn't know what was worst. Groaning I sat up and grabbed my head, what the hell I do last night?

And where the fuck is my shirt?

And why the fuck I'm not at home?

And how the fuck I get upstairs?

I unlocked the door but before I could open it someone pushed it opened. Malissa, as expected, passed me looking around the office.

I cleared my throat,"Is it something wrong with the kids?"

She stopped and stared.

"Josiah. He wants to be with you."

I nodded and held the door opened for her,"I'll pick him up. Get the fuck out my office."

She sigh,"Sam why are you doing this? We had the perfect family, both of us successful. Why are you throwing that away?"

"No, you don't get to do that. You've brought this on yourself Malissa. Now please, get out." I groaned irritated.

She walked up too me and sniffed,"You've found someone else in a day!?"

"I was dancing last night could be anybody's." I shrugged.

"Even though it's none of your concern."

Monica appeared at the door. She leaned against it and stared at Malissa.

"She asked you too leave." Monica told Malissa crossing her arms.

Malissa huffed,"I didn't know you needed a guard dog."

Monica stepped closer to Malissa but before she could grabbed her, I stepped in the middle.

"Stop." I looked between the two women.

"Meet me downstairs, I won't be long." I told Monica.

She gave Malissa one last look and walked away. You would think these two would have became close over the years but it was the exact opposite.  Monica always thought that Malissa wanted to break our friendship up and keep me away from her. On Malissa behalf, she was jealous, she didn't like Monica because she says we was too close to be best friends.

I think all of it is completely bullshit.

I looked at Malissa then went to grab my sweater,"I do have somewhere to be."

"Do you not love me anymore?" She mumbled.

I shrugged,"No, I don't think I can again."

"I'll be over your house later to get Josiah so pack him a bag, I will take him to school tomorrow." I continued.

She sigh,"You have to get the both of them. I have to work tonight."

"Fine." I said opening the door so we can leave once again.

She walked in front of me then dragged me into a kiss. I let her have her moment and pulled away. No sparks. I don't ever think this relationship had sparks or the butterflies. Although I do think  that it's something wrong with this relationship, It's like it's built off jealousy.

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