Fan Service

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Authors Note:
• This stories probs gonna be short & sweet, be prepared
• You're probably going to find a ton of spelling and grammatical errors, please try to look past them. I'm writing this story for you to enjoy, not to critique :)
• I may reference irl events and such about Ateez so don't go to bananas if I don't tell it exactly how it happened. They're merely story cues for me!
I hope you enjoy this little story! It's my first time letting anyone read my writing so please be nice <3 
Thank you, Lorri xx
Let's Begin!!

San and Wooyoung had been friends ever since they met as trainees at their company and became even closer when the debuted together in their group Ateez.

They sleep in the same dorm room and are practically inseparable. The epitome of best friends.

Fan's love to couple them together because of their close friendship, even giving them the ship name of Woosan.

Woosan are happy to provide the fan service that their fan's desire and crave, particularly if it means bringing in more support for their group.

But ever since earlier today Wooyoung had been giving San the silent treatment.

San Wooyoung

At first San was puzzled, why wasn't Wooyoung talking to him, was Wooyoung just tired? He seemed completely normal around the other members though.

There was a reason that San could come up with, although San didn't think it would be a big deal for Wooyoung. The reason seemed too random to be true, but then again it did make sense. .  .


Earlier that day Ateez had held a fan sign event. At this very event Wooyoung and San were dishing out a healthy amount of fan service  for their hungry fans.

They hugged, held hands and over all acted as their adorable selves, just doing the usual things that made their fans smile.

But there was one extra thing that took fan service to a whole new level . .and it was not planned. Very far from it.

The group were playing a game suggested by fans. The Paper Kiss game. The game is very simple, only using your lips, pass paper between members using nothing but the suction of your mouth.

The team was split into two groups and the team who could pass the most amount of paper in a limited amount of time would be the winner.

Pretty simple right?

Ha no . . as any fan knows this game is notorious for paper not ending up where it should be.

Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Jongho and Yeosang on one team and Mingi, Yunho, San and Wooyoung on the other. And of course San and Wooyoung stood right next to each other (inbetween Mingi and Yunho).

Honjoong's team went first, showing great teamwork as they passed the paper from one to the other, as awkward as it was, the boys did a great job passing 12 sheets of devilishly thin paper in their 2 minute time limit.

There were tons of squeals from adoring Atiny's and whoops of laughter from the opposite team who were clearly in denial of what was to come.

It was Mingi's team's turn now and the boys had learnt from watching the other team (inbetween fits of laughter) that the closer you stood next to each other the quicker you could pass the paper. Proximity was key.

Seeing how well the first team worked, Ateez's staff decided to throw a curve ball at team 2 mid way through.

Mingi's eyes went wide as one of the staff slid a couple sheets of plastic card onto the table, taking away the paper much to his horror.

The opposite team and the crowd went bananas.

Wooyoung, San and Yunho hadn't noticed yet, still busy passing a sheet of paper between them.

Mingi picked up the card as best he could and quickly spun to Wooyoung.

Wooyoung was absolutely not expecting that clear card, but this game was already strange enough. 

Mingi shot Wooyoung an apologetic look as he pressed the card to Wooyoung's mouth.

For a nano second Wooyoung had the card, but as he turned he felt the card slipping from his lips. To compensate he turned that little bit quicker.

But San was also moving himself in closer in preparation for what he thought was going to be another paper card.

As Wooyoung turned San noticed that clear card, and he could see that Wooyoung was about to drop it. San moved in swiftly to try and catch it.

San and Wooyoung were barely a centimetre apart when Wooyoung dropped the card.

It was too late. San's lips smacked into Wooyoung's and both of their eyes locked onto each other as they went wide.

The squealing in the room went tenfold. The rest of Ateez's jaws dropping.

Their lips were together for only a second, but it felt like an eternity for both boys.

The squeals in the room although loud became just a blur of noise in the background to Wooyoung and San as their lips pressed together.

As quick as it happened it was over as they pulled apart from each other, looking immediately in any direction but at each other.

A staff member yelled "Times up" and the game was over.

San Wooyoung
For the rest of the fan sign event Wooyoung couldn't make eye contact with San.

He could barely even look at him without his heart doing back flips in his chest. The sensation of San's lips lingered on his.

What scared Wooyoung the most though, was that he wanted it to happen again.

Wooyoung did his best to shut San out of his mind, focusing on his smiling fans in front of him, writing down his signature and responding to their questions.

What was he thinking?

That was his best friend . .who was a guy.

Why did he want it to happen again?

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