Hongjoong Knows all

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Another three days had passed and still Wooyoung had shut San out. San kept trying to approach Wooyoung but every time he did Wooyoung found an excuse to leave. Even just entering a room Wooyoung would turn into a clam, making himself unavailable for conversation.

Mingi didn't mind Wooyoung sleeping with him, though he did wonder why Wooyoung  refused to sleep in his own room.

Mingi and the other boys wondered what was going on between San and Wooyoung, why they both looked sad.

It had become a regular point of discussion for the boys when San and Wooyoung were out of the room.

There was a grey cloud that followed Wooyoung and San around, both boys were sad and had started withdrawing themselves from conversation.

Hongjoong decided to try and unravel the cause of the sadness between the boys whom were usually the most cheerful and full of energy in their group.

Hongjoong started with Wooyoung whom was scrolling through his phone at the kitchen bench, curious about his silence and strange behaviour.

"Hey Woo!"

"Hey Joongie!" Wooyoung said with a smile looking up from his phone

"So uh listen . . " Hongjoong began trying to find the right words "Are you ok? You’ve been kinda quite lately"

"I'm fine" Wooyoung replied giving Hongjoong his best smile

A puzzled face fell over Hongjoong. Hongjoong knew that Wooyoung was putting on a brave face, trying to mask whatever was inside. "You sure? Because you and Sa---"

Wooyoung cut Hongjoong off mid sentence "I'm fine Joongie, I'm just a bit tired"

Hongjoong without a doubt suspected otherwise. "That’s an absolute load of crap" he thought to himself
Hongjoong let out a huff "Well if anything is wrong, you know you can come talk to me right?"

"I know, I know" Wooyoung said giving Hongjoong a friendly pat on the back before fleeing the scene.

Hongjoong watched on as Wooyoung walked down the hall, disappearing into one of the rooms. He was disappointed in not getting the answer he'd hoped Wooyoung might spill. But then again what did he expect? Wooyoung had never been the type to spill his feelings, well not to Hongjoong anyway.

After receiving Wooyoung's suspiciously composed and simple response,

Hongjoong went to San. San would talk.
San was always happy to answer Hongjoong's questions and visa versa.

San confided in Ateez's leader Hongjoong for all the things he couldn't talk to Wooyoung about and Hongjoong did the same knowing that San would always lend an ear.

Of course, San had very different answers to Hongjoong's questions.

"What's up with you and Wooyoung? Are you ok?" Hongjoong asked blatantly walking into San's (and Wooyoung's) room closing the door behind him and sitting next to San who was engrossed in yet another book.

San closed his book and placed it beside him. "I'm ok. I have no idea what's up with Woo" he said with a sigh.

"He's so quiet when you're nearby, but then for the most, he's totally fine when you're not around" Hongjoong stated

"I was starting to think that maybe I was just over thinking things, he's been so weird towards me ever since we came back from the fan sign. So you've noticed it too?"

"Yeah" Hongjoong began "Did you do something to annoy him? You guys are usually so close. I don't think I've ever seen Wooyoung in a mood like this" Hongjoong said a puzzled look on his face.

"I don't know, we've never fought or anything before, he doesn't even sleep in here anymore, maybe he's just sick of me?"

"I don't think our Woo could ever be sick of you, you’re his best friend" Hoonjoong tried to reassure San.

"I wish he would just tell me what's wrong, usually he tells me everything" San said petting Shiber next to him.

"I tried talking to him. He said he was tired" Hongjoong made air quotes with his hands

A moment of silence passed " Do you think maybe . . it was the kiss?" San hesitantly asked Hongjoong.

Hongjoong thought to himself, pulling on the plushie dogs ears. Hongjoong didn't know how to answer that straight away. He knew that San liked Wooyoung, San had told Hongjoong ages ago, but did Wooyoung like San? Hongjoong wasn't sure. He knew San was gay, but he was pretty sure Wooyoung was straight. So the kiss could have weirded Wooyoung out.

What made Hongjoong uncertain was the way that Wooyoung acted around San usually. Wooyoung was fine with holding San's hand both for fans and just in their own time for fun. He didn't flinch (much) when San kissed him on the cheek in front of fans. Wooyoung even liked to flop himself all over San in their own time when they were lazing about in the dorm. So what more was a kiss to him? It's not like it happened on purpose.

"Maybe" Hongjoong finally answered

"Can you ask him for me?" San asked.

Hongjoong made a funny exasperated laugh "I think only you can ask him that San. Wooyoung doesn’t like talking about his feelings and stuff with me like you do"

Just then, Jongho called Hongjoong's name and Hongjoong got up leaving San in his thoughts.

San shook the plushie in front of his face looking into its beady eyes
"Was it the kiss?" he asked, he gave the plushie a kiss on the nose "Was it really that bad for him?"

Thank you for reading!!
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