Dazed & Confused

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Another day had passed since Hongjoong had spoken with San and Wooyoung.
Wooyoung had barely said anything to San unless it was necessary.

"Can you pass the milk?" – Wooyoung
"Sure" - San
Absolutely necessary. (milk is important lol!)

Today was a very special and fun day for Ateez. They were having a photo shoot with Korean magazine "Dazed".

The boys were all excitedly chattering on their way to the location of the shoot in the back of the bus, with the exception of Wooyoung who was staring out the window and occasionally at the back of Sans head (whom was sitting up front).

Soon the boys and their staff arrived on set and they all marvelled at the floor to ceiling windows that flooded the industrial style room with light.

Cameras and tech were set up to capture the boys and racks were adorned with clothes for them to wear.

The boys were briefed on what was expected of them for the day before being divided up and sent to either the on set stylist, wardrobe or makeup artists, where they could get ready for the shoot.

Once they were done with one station they'd rotate and move onto the next and once they were ready they waited out in the studio to be called for individual shoots and worked on answering questions for the magazine.

Hongjoong had tried to stay close to Wooyoung not just for Sans sake, but also for the sake of Ateez.

Wooyoung's silent attitude towards San was kind of putting a bit of a downer on the group, where ever Wooyoung went a depressed cloud seemed to follow.

Whatever was happening between Wooyoung and San aside, Hongjoong needed Wooyoung to be ready and focused for the shoot today.

After a talking to from Hongjoong about his weird attitude Wooyoung did his best to put aside his feelings and thoughts, distracting himself in candidly interviewing Hongjoong for their online video logs. Hongjoong was just happy to see Wooyoung smiling.

Every now and then though Wooyoung's mind would slip to San.

What was he doing?

What was he wearing today?

Wooyoung was beginning to accept that he did feel something for San even if it seemed to go against all the logic he held in his body.

He let his mind wander a little as he thought of what it would be like to be with San, to hold him, to kiss him . . but then Wooyoung would remember just who he was thinking of and immediately he'd shut himself down, thinking that he was ridiculous for having these thoughts.

Today's shoot had a cool and sexy sort of vibe to it, and each one of the boys whom had already been styled showed a healthy amount of skin and muscle in perfectly chosen outfits.

The fans were going to love this!

Wooyoung marvelled at his chiselled and defined team members, but nothing could prepare him for San.

Wooyoung practically choked on the fruit he had been eating while waiting for his turn. His heart imploding and scattering into a million pieces.

San was wearing a see through white lace tank style shirt (You know the one!), and Wooyoung could see everythinggggg.

He tried to control his heart trembling in his chest as he looked on at San's defined muscles and sharp collarbone, and well everything underneath.

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