5 more minutes?

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Bonus Mini Story (or more maybe, idk)

                          ♡      ♡      ♡

"5 more minutes!" San pleaded

"But I nnnneeedddd to pee!!" Wooyoung said with a huff

San held on tighter to Wooyoung

It had been dark when the pair got back from the studio as all the members were asleep.

The boys had stuck next to each other as they got ready for bed. Brushed their teeth, put on their pyjamas. . .sneaked a peak at the naked other when they thought they weren't looking.

Wooyoung had got in his own bed first and San, deciding he wanted a bigger cuddle buddy than Shiber had hopped in with Wooyoung wrapping his arms around Woo's torso and burying his face in the soft hair on his neck. Wooyoung had placed his hands over San's, whom were on his chest and they'd slept like that the whole night.

But now Wooyoung needed to pee and San really didn't want to let him go.

"If you don't let me go now I'll pee here San, and I really don't want that to happen. I already gave you 5 more minutes and now I'm busting!" Wooyoung said swatting at San's hand

"Ugh, fine" San said finally loosening his grip so Wooyoung could escape

San laughed as he watched Wooyoung awkwardly waddle out of the room, maybe he had held on to long. . Whoops.

San rolled onto his back and threw the blankets over his head giggling to himself at the fact that he had spent the whole night cuddling Wooyoung.

Wooyoung happy sighed as he released himself in the bathroom, he really would have stayed longer, and technically he did. He finished his business and went back to the room where he found a giggly mess wriggling under his sheets.

Wooyoung closed the door as quietly as he could, walked over to the sheet monster and pounced on him.

San let out a big "Oof" as something heavy suddenly trapped him beneath the sheets. He pulled the sheet down slowly so he could see his captor.

San went to pull his arms out of the sheets to grab Wooyoung, but Woo got to them first grabbing them with one free hand and pinning them to San's chest (dangerously close to Woo's manhood I might add!) The other hand turned into a tickle machine.

San giggled, squealed and squirmed as Wooyoung tickled him. "Stop!! Stop!!" San squealed with a huge smile on his face

"Never!!" Wooyoung said back playfully as he let his fingers brush all over San.

San couldn't handle all of these tickles. With all his might he popped his hips upwards causing Wooyoung to lose his balance, falling forwards, both hands coming down on the pillow beside San's face.

"Hey! No fair!" Wooyoung said pulling a pouty face

San smiled as he looked up into Wooyoung's eyes and Wooyoung's cheeks blushed a bright pink.

Slowly Wooyoung lent down over San, their faces barely an inch apart.

They were close enough that they could feel each other's breaths on their faces but they weren't touching. . yet.

Wooyoung was switching up the mood.

"So are we boyfriends now??" Wooyoung asked seductively and straight to the point

Now San blushed. San closed the distance giving Woo a quick peck on the lips before falling back on the pillow. "Yes, if you wanna be that is. . " San said looking bashfully away from Wooyoung

"Well I think boyfriends can do a bit more than that" Wooyoung said tapping a finger to his lips.

Wooyoung moved his body so he was now leaning more so on San. He placed one of his hands on Sans cheeks turning San's head towards his, and the other he used as support.

He lent in to his beautiful Sannie beneath him and gave him a tender kiss. San slid his hand up to Wooyoung's thighs and up to his back pulling on the fabric to bring their bodies closer before slipping his hand down to Wooyoung's ass.

Wooyoung now was lying on top of San as they kissed, San's hand travelling all over Woo's back (but mainly his ass). . .blissfully unaware of the intruder at their door.

Someone cleared their throat

San and Wooyoung broke their kiss looking towards the sound.

Hongjoong lent comfortably on the doorframe sipping his coffee. "Don't stop for me guys, I was enjoying the show"

Suddenly Mingi's head popped into view over Hongjoong's shoulder "What show?" Mingi asked looking at Hongjoong, blissfully unaware of what he'd just walked in to.

Hongjoong pointed at Woo and San who were still frozen in each other's embrace.

Mingi's jaw dropped open as he choked on air.

"What's happening guys? Watcha looking at!?" Yunho said as he came up, trying to look inbetween Hongjoong and Mingi.

"Are you guys doing it?" Yunho asked innocently as Woosan came into view, gaining shocked stares from all parties involved

"I think they were about to" Hongjoong said winking at Yunho

Mingi was gasping on air.

Hongjoong grabbed both Mingi and Yunho around the waist and pushed them away from the door back into the lounge

"We're having pancakes! So get your asses dressed if you want some" Hongjoong said as he pulled the door shut "or you know. . Stay where you are if you want a different kind of ass, whatever floats your boat" he said as the door clicked closed

Woo and San stayed in their position staring at the door. Wooyoung was the one to break their frozen state, letting his head face plant into the pillow next to San's head.

"Orhg grod" Wooyoung said, his voice muffled in the pillow

San laughed "It's just the guys, they're gonna find out anyway"

Wooyoung let out a muffled groan. They'd only just confirmed they were together, Wooyoung hadn't even really admitted to himself that he was gay yet, obviously he is, but he just expected that the group would slowly find out about everything. This was all happening too quickly.

"It'll be fine" San said trying to loosen the tension that he could feel in Wooyoung

"What if they think that we're weird or something? What if they hate us?"

"They won't hate us, I can promise you that. If they haven't already said anything we can tell the rest now over pancakes. ." San nuzzled Wooyoung ". . .Pancakes?"

Wooyoung looked at San, his face scared.

"Don't worry, Hongjoong will help the boys if they feel weird, he's gay too"

"Huh?!" Wooyoung said sitting up straight, but still on San

San slapped Wooyoungs ass before pushing him off

"Let's go eat pancakes!!" San said with a smile

Wooyoung still wore a face of confusion and shock as San sprung out from under him

"Unless you want me to eat your ass instead??" San said wiggling his eyebrows before leaving the room

Wooyoung gulped.

". . Would San really eat my ass?????"

He shook his head in confusion "Pancakes. Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes" he told himself like a mantra, trying to clear his mind of all the dirty thoughts that just crossed it.

"Let's go eat pancakes" Wooyoung wheezed to himself as he left the safety of their room

Ateez are in my country atm and I'm legit spewing that I wasn't able to see them live💀

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